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Bruker Avance III 500MHz NMR Spectrometer was purchased with a grant from BeyondEverest project (Development of the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University, in the area of advanced functional materials for successful participation in world-class research at EU level). NMR Spectrometer was installed in April 2014 and until now is available for spectroscopic analysis for all Universities, Research groups and Companies in Bulgaria and all over the world.


NMR measurements and analysis can be summarized as structure elucidation of newly synthesized organic compounds, dyes, complexes of organic ligands with different metals (platinum, copper, etc.), natural and modified polysaccharides, polymers and many others.

Solid-state NMR probe head has been used for analysis of organic and inorganic samples, samples that are not soluble in organic solvents or water such as pigments, natural polymers, supramolecular complexes, zeolites, composites, gels, and etc..


Technical characteristics:

NMR Spectrometer – Bruker Avance III 500MHz

ASCEND superconducting magnet system, 54mm bore, operation field at 11.7 T.

  • Avance III HD console.
  • 5 mm Triple resonance broadband probe (TBI) for 1H, 13C observe as well as 31Р – 15N performance. Including actively shielded z-gradient. Temperature range -150 to +150°С.
  • 5 mm Broadband probe (SMART), observe all the nuclei from 31Р to 15N, as well as 1H and 19F performance, 1H and 19F decoupling. Including actively shielded z-gradient. Temperature range -150 to +150°С.
  • 2.5 mm CP/MAS Cross-polarization probe head with double resonance 1Н/X for Solid State.
  • GRASPII (10A) High-performance Z-gradient accessory.
  • Temperature Control from -80°С for liquid probes.
  • BSVT Smart multichannel Temperature Control System with digital VT sensor interface. Temperature stability up to 80°С for Solid state probes.


NMR Service:


Regular NMR Spectra: Structure elucidation of newly synthesized organic compounds with application of 1D (1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 11B) and 2D (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY HSQC, HMBC) NMR methods in solution as well as CP/MAS for solid-state.

Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy: Application of homonuclear and heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy for compounds with complex spectra (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY HSQC, HMBC).

Diffusion Coefficient: Diffusion coefficient can be used to resolve tricky spectra of mixtures or it can determine the size of molecules and aggregates, determining the degree of polymerization, metal complexes with varied ligands, size of a solvation shell or other microscopic structure.

Dynamic Processes: The NMR techniques are powerful in absolute configuration and conformation analysis of stereoisomers, moreover in rate constants determination and calculation of other dynamic parameters. There are specific techniques for tautomeric equilibrium studies as well as other conformational changes in the investigated samples.

Observation of nuclei, different from 1H and 13C, with magnetic properties: NMR techniques for 11B, 15N, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si, 31Р, 71Ga, 77Se and 195Pt NMR Spectra in solution and solid-state.


Study Courses:

  1. NMR Spectroscopy - students from Bachelor programs Chemistry, Ecochemistry, Computational chemistry, Lectures: 30 hours; practice: 30 hours
  2. Contemporary NMR Techniques - students from Master programs and Pharmacy. Lectures: 30 hours; practice: 30 hours



Head of NMR Laboratory:


Prof. Dr. Rositca Nikolova

Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski"

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Organic Chemistry & Pharmacognosy

1, J. Bourchier Blvd.

1164-Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel.: + 3592 8161 392

E-mail: rnikolova@chem.uni-sofia.bg


NMR Laboratory Staff:


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikola Burdzhiev

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Organic Chemistry & Pharmacognosy

NMR Laboratory

1, J. Bourchier Blvd. 1164-Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel.: + 3592 8161 225

E-mail: nburdzhiev@chem.uni-sofia.bg


Dr. Nevena Petkova-Yankova

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Department of Organic Chemistry & Pharmacognosy

NMR Laboratory

1, J. Bourchier blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel: +359 877 448698

+359 81 61 249

+359 81 61 384

E-mail: nipetkova@chem.uni-sofia.bg