Chief Assist. Prof. Daniel Kasabov, PhD
Since 2019 is a lecturer in the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski”. Daniel Kasabov has been working as an economist at the Economic Research and Forecasting Directorate of the Bulgarian National Bank since 2013. In that capacity he has been conducting research and analytical activities related to the Bulgarian economy. He is a member of temporary and permanent working groups within the Monetary Policy Committee of the European System of Central Banks.
Specialized macroeconomic analysis and forecasting in international institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, Bank of England and Banque de France.
Participated in international and national research and educational projects. Participated in a number of international conferences and workshops. He is the author of publications related to the study of inflation in Bulgaria, the price- and wage-setting mechanism of Bulgarian companies, the cyclical position of the economy, the factors for the dynamics of investment activity and the transmission mechanism of ECB’s monetary policy to the Bulgarian economy.
- Money, Banking and Financial Markets;
- Public finance;
- Macroeconomics;
- Applied macroeconomic analysis and forecasting;
- International Economics.
Selected Publications:
- Nenova, M., Ivanov, E., Ivanova, N., Kasabov, D., Zahariev, B., Markova, G., Karagyozova, K., “Transmission of ECB’s Monetary Policy in Bulgaria: Insights from a Large Macro-econometric Model”, Bulgarian National Bank, Discussion Papers, 2019, DP/115/2019
- Kasabov, D., Paskaleva, D., “Cost- and Price-setting Drivers in Bulgaria in the Period 2009–2013, WDN Survey Evidence”, Bulgarian National Bank, Discussion Papers, 2018, DP/112/2018
- Ivanov, E., Ivanova, N., Kasabov, D., Karagyozova, K., “Determinants of Investment in Bulgaria”, Bulgarian National Bank, Discussion Papers, DP/110/2018
Kasabov, D., Kotseva, P., Vassilev, A., Yanchev, M., “Relationship between Inflation, Potential Output and Structural Unemployment in Bulgaria”,
Bulgarian National Bank, Discussion Papers, DP/104/2018 - Kasabov, D., Kasabov, M., “The Impact of External and Domestic Factors on Growth in Bulgaria in 2015 (in Bulgarian)”, University of National and World Economy, 7th International Scientific Conference 'Economic (Non)Freedom', 2016
- Kasabov, D., Kasabov, M., “Deflation Drivers in Bulgaria in 2013-mid2015 and Effects on the Economy (in Bulgarian)”, University of National and World Economy, 6th International Scientific Conference 'The Post-crisis financial world – Stagnation or Radical Change', 2015
Fields of study:
- Applied macroeconomic analysis and forecasting;
- Inflation;
- Economic growth;
- Monetary policy and its transmission mechanism;
- Interaction of monetary and fiscal policies.
Adress: 1113 Sofia, 125 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., Block 3, Office 506
Office hours:
Tuesday 17.00-18.00, after confirmation by e-mail
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