Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Representatives of the University of Lille (France) visited FEBA




On April 5, students from 9 French Language High School "Alphonse de Lamartine" visited the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA), Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", accompanied by teachers Vyara Ljubenova and Snezhanka Dimova. Assoc. Prof. Sonia Georgieva, Assistant Prof. Lidiya Kabatliyska-Andonova and Dem. Iveta Dimitrova presented the programmes of the Faculty and in more detail the French-language bachelor's program in Economics & Finance and Business Administration.


The meeting was also attended by Thomas Heckly and Marie Berteloot, representatives of the University of Lille in France - a long-lasting partner of FEBA on occasion of the double graduation of students from the two universities. Boryana Raynova, inspector of International relations in FEBA, explained to the students the possibilities for student mobility within the Erasmus+ programme. Vladimir Valchanov, FEBA alumnus and creator of a flourishing business, shared his experience about the opportunities the Faculty provided him and explained how the combination of academic and vocational knowledge is the formula for success.


Thomas Heckley, Director of the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Lille, and Marie Berteloot, representative of the Student Affairs Administration, also met with students and Faculty members from the French Program in Economics and Finance and Business Administration in FEBA. They presented the bachelor's and master's programmess of the French university, paying special attention to the opportunities for short-term student mobility within the European Blended Intensive Program. Professors from the Departments of Economics and Finance, Business Administration and Finance and Accounting took an active part in the discussion.
