Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University: Researcher Recruitment and Call for Case Submission



Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU, is one of China’s top universities under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is listed under Project 985, Project 211 and Double First-Class Project of China. BFSU has, since 1941, produced a large number of qualified professionals who, after graduation, work in and outside China as diplomats, translators/interpreters, educators, businessmen/women, journalists, lawyers, bankers, etc.

Research Center for the Internationalization of Companies from Emerging Economies, hereafter referred as I-CEE Center, was initiated by IBS.BFSU, in collaboration with our international partners. Based on extensive cooperation with scholars from all over the world, we strive to encourage and support the research on the international business of MNEs from emerging economies, aiming to help companies and policymakers to better understand this topic, therefore succeed in developing and carrying out the internationalization strategies.

All scholars with research interest in international business are welcome to join the BFSU as a researcher of I-CEE Center. Please complete the registration form (Attachment 1 at the end of the info letter) and contact the University for more information. Certificates will be issued to the accepted scholars.


Researchers are expected to:

1) Submit one or more cases every year.

2) Provide lectures on topics of international business on request, online or offline, at your convenience.

3) Participate in the academic events sponsored by I-CEE Center, at your convenience, with complete

or partial financial support.


All submissions shall be sent to solbridge@bfsu.edu.cn or ibsbfsu.solbridge@gmail.com subjected as “I-CEE Center”.

Tel: +86 010 88816563, +86 010 88816763

Please follow IBS.BFSU official accounts to get the latest information.

Website: https://ibs.bfsu.edu.cn/en/ and https://solbridge.bfsu.edu.cn/

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @IBS.BFSU

Wechat: Study in BFSU