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Do you find ethical questions about the challenges of our time important? Do you enjoy debating current events in the business world with friends? Do you wonder how standardization and quotas affect the business world? Would you like to discuss all this with peers from all over Europe? If you answered yes to all four questions, we invite you to join us and participate in the selection of a team of Bulgarian students who will represent us at European Ethics Bowl (EEB).

Покана за участие в международното състезание за студенти European Ethics Bowl(1)

The EEB is a student competition in which students from across Europe debate about ethical issues in the business environment. Ethical dilemmas are presented to students in the form of specific case studies. Groups of students present their views on ethical dilemmas in a short video, followed by a debate, questions and evaluation by the judges.

All interested teams (a group of three students) are invited to participate. Please, make a short video, discussing the dilemmas in the case study “Moral cost of enjoying the sport” and send it to iya.petkova@feb.uni-sofia.bg by April 10th. The National competition will be on April 19th.

The winning team will have the chance to go to the semi-finals in November in Ljubljana.

For more information about the competition, please visit: https://europeanethicsbowl.eu/ or write to iya.petkova@feb.uni-sofia.bg