Status: Required course
Period: First year, First and second semesters
ECTS credits: 4
Class hours: 60 lectures
Language: English
Prerequisites: Admission exam in English
Specialized economics terminology in English including the following themes.
Business and Businesses: free/private enterprise; from multinationals to small firms; industries and sectors; public sector and private; stakes; holding companies and subsidiaries; takeover bids; LBOs and junk bonds; joint ventures and alliances; mergers; diversifications and profit centres; MBOs
People and Organizations: entrepreneurs and tycoons; managers and executives; board of directors; headhunting; remuneration and compensation; derivatives; management and labour; HRM; delayering; empowerment; hiring and firing; outplacement
Research, Development and Production: innovation; patents and their infringement; hi-tech and low; rustbelt and sunbelt; production capacity and shortages; robotics CAD/CAM; suppliers and subcontractors; outsourcing and vertical integration; JIT deliveries and TQM; BPR;
Products, markets and marketing: consumers; competition and key players; markets and market orientation; market segmentation; products, goods and services; FMCG, cash cows and loss leaders; brands, own-label products and generic goods; pricing and price wars; list price and discounting; dumping; cannibalization; marketing: franchise, pyramid and inertia selling, etc; advertizing and promotions
The course is based on: Bill Mascull, Key Words in Business, Collins Cobuild, USA, 1998
Intended learning outcomes:
Become familiar with English economics terminology and the corresponding Bulgarian one.
Read and understand without difficulty specialized texts in English and participate successfully in discussions on various economics topics.