Annual Book of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Volume 9 (2011)
Abstracts at
Anastassia Bankova, Todor Yalamov – The clusters in the knowledge based economy and their problems in Bulgaria
Sonia Vateva – Creation and development of the faculty of economics and business administration at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Roumen Georgiev – Risks of foreign financial disbalances on Bulgarian economy in the conditions of global economic crisis
Tsvetan Davidkov – Organizational determinants of labour mobility attitudes
Kalina Dimitrova – Monetary and fiscal policies in Bulgaria: lessons from the historical record
Desislava Yordanova – Adoption and impact of HRM practices on small business performance: implications for Bulgarian SMES
Tony Conjov - Relationship between the accounting reputation and cost-efficiency in the Bulgarian non-financial sector during 1999-2005
Michaela Corvig, Iulian Mircea – On some approximations used in the risk process of an insurance company
Michaela Corvig, Iulian Mircea, Ovidiu Veghes, Radu Serban, Constantin Raischi -Some applications of sums of random variable in non-life insurance
Neviana Krasteva – Marketing research in fairy tales
Penio Mihailov – The alienation in Bulgaria in the context of the new challenges
Armenuhi Piryan – World finance crisis: effects and political reaction – brief chronology
Teodor Sedlarski – Obstacles to the Effective Institutional Choice: Why Do Economically Expedient Institutions Not Always Get Implemented
Pavel Stoynov – An approach to corporate and assets default