Teodor Atanassov – The sustainable development in the conditions of economic transformations
Zhelyu Vladimirov – Impact of the food safety standards implementations on the small business
Sofia Gesiou - Tourism marketing and production of complementary income: A case study in hospitality industry
Tsvetan Davidkov - Work values of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
Lidia Kaneva – Innovation in retail banking
George Mengov, Svetla Nikolova - The Economic Agents’ Utility Functions: A Mathematical Psychology Approach
George Mengov, Olga Todorova - Managerial Experience and Negative Affect in a Hypothetical Choice of a Manager
Armenuhi Piryan – Establishment of the Bulgarian stock exchange and its current status
Teodor Sedlarski - Cognitive Aspects of Transaction Costs
Pavel Stoynov – An improvement of Krippendorf model
Luben Toshkov, Zvetan Ignatov - Trend and optimum of the income inequality of the households in Bulgaria
Miroslava Hristova – Le domaine académique et de recherche du management strategigue: unité et diversité