Jean-Pierre Gern – Decreasing welfare and increasing poverty in richer countries. How to face the challenge?
Spiridon Paraskewopoulos – Is there European economic identity?
Kiaus Lange - Demands for harmonized statistics about the living conditions of households and the German experience
Peter-Jan Engelen - The Enforcement of Insider Trading Regulations in the EU – The Case of Belgium
George Chobanov- The Rules of Society and the Measurement of their Efficiency
Zhelyu Vladimirov - Institutional Framework for SME Development in Bulgaria
Anastassia Bankova – Different approaches to organizational effectiveness – consequences for the managerial competence in Bulgaria during the EU enlargement process
Savka Kostadinova, Tzvetan Ignatov - Linear transformations of exponential distributed random variables and multidimensional exponential splines
Teodor Atanassov – Small and medium enterprises in changing economic development
Eleonora Stancheva – Information use in asset management process in Water and Wastewater companies
Eleonora Stancheva – Accoumting data used by water companiesin the process of asset management
Genka Rafailova - The Role and Contribution of European Partners for Sustainable Development of Tourist Destinations in Bulgaria
Sonia Mileva.- SME opportunities for successful development in specialized tourism
Pavel Stoynov – The enlargement of the European union – processes, rules and prognoses
Bancho Banov - How did Germany settle its foreign debt
Michael Berlemann, Kalina Dimitrova, Nikolay Nenovsky - Assessing Market Expectations on Exchange Rates and Inflation: A Pilot Forecasting System for Bulgaria
Vera Gaydarska – Forms of investment. Leasing as an alternative form for assets’ acquiring
Boyan Lomev, Ivan Ivanov – Analysis and a,,lications of Lotka – Volterra model
Tzvetan Davidkov, Detelina Ilieva, Eleonora Nikolova – The power distance at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Daniela Assenova – Public management – condition for effectiveness in the managementof the public sector
Aiub Al-Museini. Evaluation of the leadership effectiveness in the top management in the consumers’ cooperative societies in Kuwait
Еlena Vassileva. Possibilities for Establishing Rules in the Area of Cultural Tourism in Bulgaria in the Process of EU integration
Evelina Veleva – Some marginal densities of the sample correlation coefficients of independent normal distributed random variables