Annual Book, Volume 19 (2019)
Kaloyan Ganev – Modelling economic growth and business cycles under central planning in Bulgaria (part two) ...... 5
Anton Gerunov – Effects of Open e-Government on Democracy: A Public Value Perspective .... 31
Iya Petkova-Gourbalova – Contemporary models for leadership description and study (part two) ...... 41
Dimitar Zlatinov, Lidiya Kabatliiska – World economy digitalization: Implications at corporate and national level ...... 65
Neviana Krasteva – Marketing mix and the artificial intelligence technology ....... 77
Viktor Laskov – Libertarian paternalism: The impact of nudges on individual decision-making ......99
Martina Makarieva – Theoretical and Empirical Survey of Debt Sustainability Analysis ...... 109
Bozhidar Nedev – Spline-functions – theory and applications ...... 129
Plamena Nenkova – Establishment of a liquid hub for natural gas trading in the region of Southeastern Europe ..... 147
Teodor Sedlarski – Political Economy of Social Status: Happiness in Today’s Socio-Economic Order from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics ..... 171
Iliyana Ankova-Stoyanova – Soft skills in management accounting education .... 199
Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova – Accounting for Cryptocurrencies – some unanswered questions and unresolved issues .... 219
Yosif Avramov – Development and prospects for FinTech companies and blockchain technologies in Buldaria and Eastern Europe ..... 243
Bancho Banov – Analysis of the first three years of the Currency Board in Bulgaria and the negative results for our country's economy .... 249