Annual Book of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Volume 13 (2016)
Zhelyu Vladimirov - State and Development of the Bulgarian Food Industry after 2006. ................................................................................................... 5
Albena Vutsova, Emil Mitov - Entering New Markets and Niche Markets ........................... 47
Denitsa Gavrilova - Consumer behaviour in Bulgaria during the Christmas Holidays and Factors Influencing It ............................................................. 69
Dimitar Zlatinov - Two Approaches to Analyzing and Evaluating Short-term
effects of the interaction between the implemented anti-crisis fiscal and monetary policy .................................................................................................... 81
Albena Yotova - Collaborative Networks Changing the Face of the Educational System.
Three Case Studies in Pre-school and Elementary Education ....................................... 101
Raya Kanazireva - Aspects of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Levels in Established Firms .............................................................................................. 123
Kamelia Kasabova - Electronic Money and Prepaid Cards .......................................... 151
Nevyana Krasteva, Volen Filippov - "Augmented Reality" in Marketing ........................... 167
Tony Kondjov - The mechanism for resolving company mergers in the European Commission: Pros and Cons for Small Member States ................................................ 177
Boyan Lomev, Nikolay Netov - Bulgarian Stock Market and Market Risk Forecasting under
Long Memory in Returns ..................................................................................................... 185
Maria Pavlova - The Evolution of Management Accounting and its Toolkit for Municipal Management ............................................................................................... 201
Vladimir Peovski - Behavioural patterns of political actors exchanges...................................................................................................................... 217
Teodor Sedlarsky, Gergana Dimitrova - The global financial crisis from the perspective of Behavioral Finance .............................................................................................. 247
Teodor Sedlarsky, Diana Dimitrova - Social networks for risk sharing............... 269
Teodor Sedlarski, Zhelyo Panayotov - The elusive goal of happiness ......................... 293
Hristina Stoyanova - Development of the global market for offshoring services and business processes and its impact on the Bulgarian economic environment. ScientificмResearch on Offshoring ......................................................................................... 317
Mirena Todorova - Role of digital environment for consumers, companies and brands. New trends in marketing and consumer behaviour ....................... 333
Miroslava Hristova - La recherche en management strategique et les conceptualisations sur les strategies ........................................................................................ 357
China Center for Economics and Politics Discussions
Shi Yizi - Preliminary study of interved-U hypothesis' applicability in China ............... 371
Shi Yizi - Study of Influence of FDI on Residents' Income Distribution in China ........... 381
Full texts of the articles:
Annual book of FEBA, volume 13 (2016) in the RePEc electronic library
Annual book of FEBA, volume 13 (2016) in the CEEOL electronic library