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Employees and partners of UBB received certificates for completed training in the third edition of "KBC Bulgaria - ESG Academy", a certification program for specialists in sustainable management.

The largest banking and insurance group in Bulgaria – “KBC Group” and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" launched the "KBC Bulgaria - ESG Academy" at the beginning of 2022 with the main goal of training a new generation of professionals ready to generate returns, creating value for all stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers and society as a whole.

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Three editions of the academy have been held so far, and the fourth is going to start in October. “KBC - ESG Academy” is the result of the bank's strategy to support and develop the knowledge of its employees in the field of sustainable development. The participants received their certificates from Ms. Desislava Simeonova - leader of the Sustainable Financing program of “KBC Group” and from Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University.

"The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is a leader in education for sustainable development and is proud to partner with a market leader such as “KBC” in the realization of “KBC - ESG Academy”. Industry around the world is already moving towards developing and complying with ESG practices and standards. There is a massive transition ahead for business and we need to be well prepared with the relevant knowledge and skills. The training of more and more experts in the field of sustainable development gives us the confidence that the corporate world is aware of the need for ESG transformation and partnership with the academic community", shared Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

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Desislava Simeonova - leader of the Sustainable Financing program of “KBC Group” shared about the intentions to open the next - fourth edition of the academy in October. She congratulated the successful graduates for the active position, the efforts made, the upgraded knowledge of the subject, as well as for the responsible attitude to take their time in a busy year of integration. A challenge was also given to the "ESG academics" - not to be selfish and not to keep what they learned only for themselves, but to share it generously with clients, with colleagues from the teams in which they work or collaborate. Thus, our community of ambassadors of the values and knowledge of sustainable development is growing bigger, stronger, and more influential.

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UBB invests long-term in the concept of environmental, social, and corporate governance and recognizes the added value of raising awareness on the subject. The training on the topics for sustainable business development is fully provided by “KBC Group” in Bulgaria.