Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Presented Labour Market Forecast with Authors Assoc. Prof. Ralitsa Ganeva and Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Ganev





The results of the updated medium and long-term prognoses for the development of the labour market in Bulgaria for 2020 – 2034 were presented during a conference held by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy attended by Minister Biser Petkov. The report, which was presented by a research team, gives detailed information about the demand for work in the medium term, until 2024 and in the long term, until 2034, arranged according to gender, age, education, occupation groups, economic activities.





Scientific editors and co-authors of the report are Assoc. Prof. Ralitsa Ganeva and Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Ganev from the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Economics Faculty.


The trends outlined in the report will be taken into account in the development of the labour market policies and the drafting of the new employment strategy for the period until 2023, said Minister Petkov.