On November 20, the masters of the Responsible and Sustainable Management master's program organized a climate hike to the Glozhene Monastery. The event was held under the title #Onestepgreener and marked the end of a series of thematic events initiated by students in the framework of the UN International Conference on Climate Change COP 26 (Glasgow, 31.10-13.11.2021).
The online discussion "FEBA at COP26", which included 65 bachelors and masters, aimed to summarize the attitudes, decisions and messages of various stakeholders - statesmen, business and civic leaders. Students expressed moderate optimism about the overall assessment of the global forum in Glasgow, and 77% said that the final agreement met to some extent their preliminary expectations.
The students spent more than 3,000 hours researching the topic and almost 500 more man-hours in specialized training on climate neutrality, with the participation of leading experts from WWF.
Subsequently, they have volunteered and advocated for climate and environmental protection, organizing more than 35 diverse initiatives, including research and analysis, discussions on sustainable lifestyles, climate justice and more. More than 800 people were involved in the talks, and another 570 representatives of external audiences and/or their colleagues in the companies in which they work directly participated in the events.
Of interest is also the Guide to Sustainable Lifestyle, which you can download here ( available only in Bulgarian ), and you will learn more about their activities in several consecutive publications, which we will summarize by the end of November.
According to the study of the master's program "Responsible and Sustainable Governance" , the interest of Bulgarian citizens in COP26 could be defined as "very weak" and "weak" for the most part. The strongest interest is on the part of the international media, the countries show a moderate one. The interest of international business and citizens around the world is also moderate.
FEBA at COP26: Basic data (infographics)
- 120+ students from the Faculty of Economics;
- 65 hours study per person on average;
- 800 external actors involved in discussions on climate change;
- 50% have published at least once up-to-date information on climate change in their social media profiles;
- 38 initiatives;570 people reached;55% have organized a social thematic initiative;65 participants in the online discussion “FEBA at COP26”; 480 man-hours dedicated to carbon neutrality training; a list of recommendations for a sustainable lifestyle; 1 climate hike.