Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Desislava Kalcheva participated in the second edition of the CEE-Loc Seminar (Local Government Studies in Central and Eastern Europe). The conference took place in Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia, from September 26 to September 27, 2024.
During the conference, Dr. Kalcheva and Assoc. Prof. Lucie Sedmihradská (Prague University of Economics and Business) presented a paper titled “Tax Sharing and Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic” in the first panel dedicated to municipal finances. Dr. Desislava Kalcheva also participated as a discussant in the panel on Local Public Services, contributing with comments and recommendations related to the paper “Efficiency of Public Services in Croatian Cities”, presented by Mihaela Bronić (Institute of Public Finance, Croatia).
The conference gathered a community of academics from Central and Eastern Europe with research interests in municipal finance, regional development and territorial changes, local elections, public choice, and more. Participants included representatives from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, Germany, North Macedonia, Hungary, Slovenia, and the Council of Europe.
The participation in the conference was made possible and funded through the SUMMIT project. Dr. Kalcheva conducted her visit and participated at the event of the Institute of Economics in Zagreb and based on the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".