The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Center for Economic Theories and Policies at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski have started a new working paper series:
The series devotes special attention to all topics in economics and business administration with a focus on South Eastern Europe in particular and post-transition countries in general. We welcome submissions that either deal with empirical studies or use theoretical models. However, papers on other current topics are also welcomed.
Studies which blend economics and business administration and address practical implications relevant for public policy, business policy, or individual decision making are highly appreciated. We would also encourage young scholars to submit their work.
Accepted papers are not copyrighted by BEP, and authors are free to publish the same material in any form in any venue. However, it would be kind if authors refer in any later publication to their initial paper publication in BEP. In order to keep record we would like to ask authors to inform BEP about later publications of their papers.