Boryana Raynova, International Relations Officer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, took part in the Fourth International Meeting at the "Vytautas Magnus" University (Lithuania) under the "Crocodile" project, financed by the “ Erasmus+” program. The event took place in the period September 18-21, 2023.
Participants in the project are the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), the University of Alicante (Spain), the “Vytautas Magnus” University (Lithuania), and the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski".
Interdisciplinarity is a key factor in academic research, but its presence in education remains insufficient. The project aims to develop the processes of internationalization of teaching, enabling students to form a habit of solving problems, scientifically and professionally through broad cooperation - both interdisciplinary and internationally. One of the ways to achieve this goal is the development of the International Cross-disciplinary General Academic Offer (ICGAO) model.