The Project „Excellence in colloid and interface research & innovations for better quality of life“, coordinated by the Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski and funded by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science through the Bulgarian National Program "European scientific networks", has started since 1st of April 2021.
The project includes scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University with international partners the Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Spain. On the 19th of May, 2021 the kick-off meeting of the project took place online with the participation of Prof. Nikolay Vitanov, Vice-Rector for Research and Research Project Activity of Sofia University, Mrs. Karina Angelieva, ex-Deputy Minister for Education and Science, who initiated the National Program "European scientific networks” as well as representatives of all three partnering organization. The Coordinator of the Project Prof. Georgi Vayssilov, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, welcomed the participants and presented the main objectives and activities of project. The Steering Committee of the project was established with Chair Prof. Konstantin Neyman, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona and Vice-Chair Prof. Lucio Isa, Department of Materials, ETH, Zurich. The first activities within the project were planned and discussed. The first two evens that will be organized within project will take place in July, 2021, namely the 1st Summer school for young scientist entitled “Innovations and applications of colloid and interface science” and the 1st project Workshop devoted to the achievements of the project participants in the field of advanced colloid and interface science.