Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy / News and events / Scientific Seminar of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Applied Organic Chemistry (FPOH), Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, SU "St. Kl. Ohridski"


Department of Pharmaceutical and Applied Organic Chemistry (FPOH), Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, SU "St. Kl. Ohridski" held its annual Scientific Seminar from May 31 to June 2, 2024, at the "Prof. Tsv. Bonchev" educational and scientific base, Gyolechitsa. This year, the seminar was joined by Prof. Nick Tsarevski, Department of Chemistry, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA, who delivered an invited lecture entitled: "Cyclic disulfides as building blocks of functional macromolecules". Prof. Tsarevski is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of St. Kl. Ohridski - his thesis was carried out in the Department of FPOH under the supervision of Prof. Georgi Georgiev and Associate Professor Elena Kamenska.


Lecturers of this year seminar were also: Prof. Boris Galabov, winner of the Grand Prize for Science of the University of St. Kl. Ohridski for 2008, winner of the Sofia University Badge of Honor with a necklace, Prof. Todor Dudev, winner of the Pythagoras Grand Prize for overall scientific contribution for 2023, Prof. Ognyan Petrov, former head of the FPOH department and head of the most successful master's degree in the Faculty of Chemistry and Formulation - Medicinal Chemistry, as well as young scientists from the department.


The scientific program of the seminar ended with a lecture delivered by Prof. Tsarevski in the field of history of chemistry on the topic: "Technology and Chemistry of Spirits: A Brief History". This lecture is directly related to Prof. Tsarevski's current position as Program Director of the American Chemical Society's Division of the History of Chemistry.


The Organizing committee of the seminar this year was composed of Prof. Elena Vasileva, Assoc. Prof. Iskra Koleva and Head Ass. Prof. Denitsa Nikolova, FPOH Department, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of SU "St. Kl. Ohridski". The seminar program can be found here .