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Bachelor of Business Administration, German Programme



On the 5th of June 2013 a Memorandum of understanding was signed with the Faculty of Economics and Management Science of Leipzig University, Germany for a mutual recognition of study results. The agreement allows students from the German program at the Faculty of Economics (Sofia University) to receive a German bachelor degree after an Erasmus year, spent in Leipzig ( Memorandum text , pdf).


In 2016 a similar agreement was signed with the University of Applied Sciences in Worms, Germany. It allows students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University to receive a German bachelor degree after an Erasmus year, spent in Worms ( Memorandum text , pdf).


Visiting professors from the Universities of Cologne, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Erlangen-Nuremberg.




1. Microeconomics (Mikroökonomik) I – part one Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Semester: First, ECTS: 5, Status: required

2. Mathematics (Höhere Mathematik) I Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Semester: First, ECTS: 5, Status: required

3. Information Technologies and Systems – part 1 Class hours: 90, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 45, Semester: First, ECTS: 6, Status: required

4. Principles of Management – parts 1 and 2 + Course project Class hours: 120, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 60, Semester: Full year, ECTS: 4+4+6, Status: required

5. Macroeconomics (Makroökonomik) I – part 1 Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Semester: Second, ECTS: 4, Status: required

6. Introduction to Law Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Status: required

7. Mathematics (Höhere Mathematik) II Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Semester: Second, ECTS: 5, Status: required

8. English for Economics Class hours: 60, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 0, Semester: Full year, ECTS: 2+2, Status: required

9. Another foreign language Class hours: 90, Lectures: 90, Seminars: 0, Semester: Full year, ECTS: 4+2, Status: required (German / French / Spanish / Italian)

10. Sports Class hours: 60, Semester: Full year, ECTS: 2, Status: required

11. Microeconomics I – part 2 Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: First, ECTS: 3, Status: elective

12. Economic Psychology Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Status: elective

13. Business Ethics Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Status: elective

14. Macroeconomics I – part 2 Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Status: elective

15. Information Technologies and Systems – part 2 Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Status: elective

16. Project Management Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Status: elective

17. Introductory Course in Mathematics Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Semester: before the start of the first semester

18. Ballance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounting (Bilanz- und Erfolgsrechnung) Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Semester: Second, Status: elective

19. Principles of Management (Grundlagen des Managements) Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Semester: First, Status: elective

20. Cost and Performance Accounting (Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung) Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Semester: Second, Status: elective




Required courses: ECTS credits = 54

1. Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Geldtheorie und -politik) Semester: First, ECTS: 7, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 30
2. HRM + Course Project Semester: First, ECTS: 6+4, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 60
3. Principles of Statistics Part I Semester: First, ECTS: 4, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30
4. Civil Law Semester: First, ECTS: 5, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 0
5. Databases in Management Semester: Second, ECTS: 6, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 45
6. Economic Statistics (Wirtschaftsstatistik) Semester: Second, ECTS: 4, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30
7. Principles of Accounting Semester: Second, ECTS: 6, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 30
8. Commercial Law Semester: Second, ECTS: 4, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 0
9. Another Foreign Language 2 (German / French / Italian / Spanish) Semester: Full year, ECTS: 4+2, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 90, Seminars: 0
10. Sports Semester: Full year, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 60


Optional courses Students select from the list below in order to accumulate 6 ECTS credits

11. Innovation Management Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures 30
12. Business English, French, German Semester: Full year, ECTS: 2+4, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 90, Seminars: 0
13. Economic Way of Thinking – Nontraditional Applications Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0
14. Principles of Statistics Part II Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0
15. Business Communication and PR Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0
16. Contemporary Practices in HR Selection – Human Design Systems Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, , Seminars: 0
17. Contemporary Practices in HRM HeRMeS Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0
18. Business Ethics (German) Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0
19. German Language for Business Communication Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0





Required courses: ECTS credits = 48

1. Organizational Behaviour Semester: First, ECTS: 5+1, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 45

2. Public Finance Semester: First, ECTS: 6, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 30

3. Quantitative Methods in Management Semester: First, ECTS: 5, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30

4. International Economics (Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen) Semester: First, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

5. Financial Accounting Semester: Second, ECTS: 6, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 30

6. Principles of Econometrics (Ökonometrie) Semester: Second, ECTS: 5, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 30

7. Business Planning and Control + course project Semester: Second, ECTS: 6+3, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 60

8. Another Foreign Language 3 (German / French / Italian / Spanish) Semester: Full year, ECTS: 4+2, Class hours: 75, Lectures: 75, Seminars: 0


Optional courses - Students select from the list below in order to accumulate 6 ECTS credits

9. Management of Small Enterprises Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

10. International Business Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

11. Monetary Theory and Policy Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars:0

12. European Strategy for Quality Management Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

13. Product Design, Packaging and Advertising of Marketing Tools for Microenterprises Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

14. Telematics and Business Applications Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

15. Organizational Conflicts Management Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

16. Heuristic Methods in Management Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours:30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0

17. Social Policy (Sozialpolitik) Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours:30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0


Internship at a Company Duration: One month

Writing and defense of a course paper ECTS: 8





1. Corporate finance Semester: First, ECTS: 7, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 30, Status: required
2. Marketing + course project Semester: First, ECTS: 6+1, Class hours: 90, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 30, Status: required
3. Marketing Research Semester: First, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 15, Seminars: 15, Status: required
4. Public Management Semester: First, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: required
5. E-Business Semester: First, ECTS: 5, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Status: required
6. Financial law Semester: First, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 60, Seminars: 0, Status: required
7. Management accounting Semester: Second, ECTS: 5, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Status: required
8. New institutional economics Semester: second, ECTS: 4, Class hours: 45, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 0, Status: required
9. International Marketing Semester: Second, ECTS: 3, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: required
10. Decision making under Risk and Uncertainty + course project, Semester: Second, ECTS: 4+1, Class hours: 45, Lectures: 45, Seminars: 0, Status: required


Optional courses (Students select from the list below in order to accumulate 6 ECTS credits):

11. Analysis and Forecasting of Economic Time Series Semester: First 4, Class hours: 60, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 30, Status: elective
12. Psychology of Advertising Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective
13. Advertising Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective
14. Written Business Communication (English and German), Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective
15. International Public Law Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective
16. Commercial Banking Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective
17. Financial Analysis of SMEs Semester: Second, ECTS: 2, Class hours: 30, Lectures: 30, Seminars: 0, Status: elective

Written state final exam – case study and theoretical test in management, ECTS: 10



Courses in German at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


For more information on the German programme please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teodor Sedlarski


Ms. Iva Djakova



Archive 2011:

Business Administration Programme curriculum for students admitted with German. The austerisked courses are read by visiting professors from the University of Cologne, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Erlangen-Nuremberg.


Academic Calendar for the visiting professors from Germany (2011/2012) (pdf)



-= Deutsch =-


Partnerschaft der Universität zu Köln
mit der St. Kliment Ohridski-Universität Sofia
Am 31. Januar 1985 unterzeichneten der Prorektor der Universität Sofia und der Rektor der Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Gernot Gutmann, den Partnerschaftsvertrag, in dem der Austausch von Wissenschaftlern und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchskräften festgelegt ist. Hiermit wurden bereits seit 1964 bestehende wissenschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen dem Institut für Slavistik der Universität zu Köln und der Fakultät für slavische Philologie der Universität Sofia vertieft und auf andere Fächer ausgedehnt.


Entsprechend dem Abkommen sind im Rahmen jeweils verfügbarer Mittel vorgesehen:


Gastvorträge und Vortragszyklen von Professoren,
gemeinsame Symposia und Besuche wissenschaftlicher Institutionen,
mehrwöchige Forschungsaufenthalte von Professoren und Studenten, Sprachkurse, Ausstellungen.

Die wissenschaftliche Koordination liegt an der Universität zu Köln in Händen des vom Senat beauftragten Professors, an der Universität Sofia in Händen des Rektors oder eines vom ihm beauftragten Mitglieds des Akademischen Rates.


Senatsbeauftragte Professoren:

1985 - 1992 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kasack
1992 - 2001 Prof. Dr. Gernot Gutmann
2001 - 2011 Prof. Dr. Horst M. Schellhaaß
2011 - Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Andreas Speer