For the first time in its 135-year history, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" announced a public report with detailed information about its carbon footprint. The data are for the entire past year of 2022 and have been systematized by the ESG Lab at the Department of Economics and Management by Sectors of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
The team behind the large volume of work consists of Assoc. Prof. Marina Stefanova, Head of the Department of Responsible and Sustainable Management at FEBA, Iliyana Lazarova, external expert on Sustainable Development and ESG Academy lecturer at SU and Maria Gureva, "Rating and rating systems" specialist.
Sofia University strives to minimize its impact on the environment by reducing the institution's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The inventory of greenhouse gases is considered the first step towards developing an effective strategy for their management and compensation.
It is carried out in implementation of the Work Plan for the protection of the environment and reduction of the consequences of climate change, tied to the achievement of high resource and energy efficiency (2022-2024). The activity covers measures 3.4 and 3.5 of item 1 "Increasing resource - and in particular energy efficiency, following the principles of the circular economy and stimulating the implementation of low-carbon, resource-efficient measures and intelligent solutions" of Objective 1 - "Circular and low-carbon economy''.
The assessment carried out is a partial inventory of the emissions from the operational activity of the SU and includes all applicable emission categories for scope 1 and 2, according to the guidelines and rules of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
The data in the report indicates information on the carbon footprint generated by: transport activities for the University's work purposes (company, personal cars and air travel); electrical energy; thermal energy; water; waste etc.
You can find the full report here.