On October 25, the academic year for the part-time 2-semester master's program "Energy Markets and Services" at the Department of Economics and Management by Branches of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” officially started. In the first one-week module, classes on compulsory and elective special subjects were held. A week earlier, the students in the program had an online information meeting with representatives of the department.
The students were welcomed in the program by the program director and dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atanas Georgiev and the program coordinator Dr. Maria Trifonova, and the training began with lectures on "RES and biofuels", "Energy resources and technologies", "Regulated services, markets and pricing", etc. disciplines, which this year - according to the current order of the Ministry of Health and according to the instructions of the rector's management - were held in an electronic environment through MS Teams.
During the first week, two guest lectures were invited: by Dr. Genovaite Liobikiene from Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University - VMU) and experts from the London office of Frontier Economics.
The master's program is designed for working professionals and is in part-time form, as training in special disciplines is organized in 3 modules of 5 days in the winter semester and 2 modules of 5 days in the summer semester. Additional lectures and exams in general economic disciplines during the winter and summer semesters are provided for the graduates of non-economic specialties.
More than 30 students enrolled in the new class of the program. After completing the semester, they must defend their master's theses in November 2022.