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Programme: Journalism

Degree of education-qualification Bachelor of Journalism

Form of education

The education is by taking regular courses and by correspondence according to the state order

Curriculum - regular courses 2021/2022

Curriculum - courses by correspondence 2021/2022

Admission conditions (application and enrolment)

Qualification description

Major: Journalism

1. Focus, educational goals

The Bachelor program of “Journalism” is aimed at the adoption of the journalistic career and its role in modern society and in mass communication as well as at the better knowledge of media and their focus, specifics and social mission. This major gives an opportunity for a complete professional realization and a possibility for the acquired knowledge to be upgraded with education both in Bulgaria and abroad.

The Bachelor program of “Journalism” combines theoretical and practical education and in this way guarantees the acquisition of basic knowledge of this major in the spheres of journalism, media and mass communication, social sciences, economic sciences and law. The aim is to develop highly qualified media professionals with specialized basic preparation and specific and secure media skills who could find realization in the broad profiles of the dynamic media market.

2. Training (knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional activity; general theoretical and special training, etc.)

The education in this Bachelor degree is organized in a curriculum in which the courses are grouped in three modules – compulsory courses, elective courses (with summer practices in the chosen media profile) and optional courses. The students are trained in: three media profiles – press and online journalism, radio, and television, with the choice of specialization being made after finishing the second semester; and in three thematic profiles – internal political journalism, international journalism, culture, with the choice being made after finishing the second semester. The elective courses are a way of profiling the education of students in the different profiles and thematic departments of media and information agencies according to the true spirit of the High Education Law’s requirements. The summer practices activities are included in a separate module – the practices are conducted in media and information agencies and in other institutions with information activities. Practices are an integral part of the “Journalism” major’s curriculum and have the statute of compulsory courses. The optional courses are offered to the students in all Bachelor degrees at the FJMC and are opened for students from other faculties of Sofia University. The optional courses offer more detailed and specialized knowledge on specific aspects of the media theory and practice.

The courses from the compulsory module are introductory courses offering basic knowledge in the fields of: theory of journalism and the media, history of Bulgarian journalism, history of foreign journalism, contemporary Bulgarian journalism, contemporary world media, media language and writing styles, journalistic genres, theory and practice of editing, graphic design, radio communication, television communication, new media, online journalism, media law, journalistic ethics, internal policy and media, cultural theory, methods of researching mass communication, media management, media and communication researches.

The optional media profiles are three:

  • Press and online journalism;
  • Radio;
  • Television.

The media profile “Press and online journalism” gives the students the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills in the sphere of periodical press, the new digital media, information agencies and the process of editing and publishing. This media profile includes courses on the means of expression and the specifics of the creative process in press media, digital media and online information agencies. Students are mastering the writing, editing and presentation of journalistic texts for press journalism, online journalism and agencies. They are getting acquainted with the work specifics in different types of press and digital media, with these types of media’s organization, structure, management, with the technique and the technology of their production. The complexity of the education in the sphere of press and digital journalism includes mastering of the principals of writing, editing and visual communication of traditional and online media in the conditions of convergence and significant transformations; of the components of visual journalism, of the new digital technologies, platforms and programs in this sphere. An object of special educational attention are the tendencies in the world print and digital media and in the agency journalism, as well as the changes made in Bulgarian press journalism in the last years. The students are practicing the acquired knowledge and skills in educational media – newspapers, magazines, websites, online blogs and books. The education is organized at the Educational complex for press and digital journalism, which has the newest educational equipment and configuration of computer and editorial technology. This allows working on the educational newspaper “Alma Mater” in relevant conditions for the contemporary editorial environment.

The media profile “Radio” gives the students knowledge of the specifics of radio communication, of radio’s means of expression, of radio journalism’s genres and forms, of the principals of radio programming. As an addition to this, the students acquire a set of skills in the preparation and performance of different radio forms, of sound editing, of musical decision-making processes. An integral part of the education is the acquisition of practical experience in the sphere of informational and analytical radio genres and radio advertising. This media profile offers knowledge of world radio practices, of the tendencies in the development of radio systems, of their organization, management and marketing strategies. The media profile gives relevant knowledge of the internet based audio platforms; of the internet radio stations and their specifics and of the changing requirements for the journalists who are producing audio content. The training in this profile is realized in the Educational radio complex at the FJMC, the students are also maintaining rubrics and broadcasts at the student online based radio “Reaction”..

The media profile “Television” gives the students an opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge of the specifics of the creative process, means of expression and possibilities of television, television journalism and visual art, as well as the professional skills linked to the work of a television journalist as a reporter, commentator and program host, as an editor and screenwriter for television programs. The media profile also prepares journalists for all editorial departments and creative activities in a television program. It gives theoretical knowledge about television communication, about structures and television systems, about the organization of journalistic work and the manufacturing work of preparation and realization of television shows and programs. The students are trained at the FJMC’ Television studio where every year a promotion of student’s work is organized. The students are actively participating in the programs of the “Alma Mater” University Television.

The elective thematic profiles are three:

  • Internal political journalism;
  • International journalism;
  • Culture.

The courses in the “Internal political journalism” thematic profile form a fundamental knowledge of principals, systems and structure of political and economic processes in Bulgaria, all combined with a training in recognition and assessment of the more serious challenges to their development. Lecture courses and seminars in “Political studies (media and politics)” and “Economic journalism” are included, which are logically combined with courses on “Social conflicts”, “Transition period and media”, “Multiculturalism, minorities and media”. The aim is to upgrade the already acquired knowledge in the sphere of journalism, media and mass communication with better competence in specific social spheres and more skills for analysis, assessment and a critical attitude towards everyday events.

The courses in the “International journalism” thematic profile are creating a knowledgeable opinion on the world and Bulgaria’s place in it. They are researching the specifics and the particularities of international journalism. The basic lecture courses are linked to each other and are logically upgraded.

The “Culture” thematic profile furthers students’ competency by acquiring knowledge and practical skills in journalism on the topics of culture, art journalism, literature critics, cinema critics, media critics and online journalism in the context of contemporary cultural phenomena.

3. Professional competencies

The education in the Educational and Qualification degree “Bachelor” of “Journalism” major is accomplished in synchronicity with the professional competencies that are accepted in the Tartu Declaration of the European Journalism Training Association, a member of which is the FJMC. The graduating students in the Educational and Qualification degree “Bachelor” of “Journalism” major are led by the principle of serving the society by stimulating and strengthening the democracy on all levels. FJMC’s graduates have the competence to stand up for the lawful, professional and ethical aspect of the Journalistic profession. They are acquainted with the characteristics of different types of media – press and digital media, radio, television. They can offer information for different types of audiences on the basis of in-depth researches and by taking into account the specifics of the target audience for which a certain type of information is intended. They have a clear vision of the intended journalistic production. As a result from their education being divided in profiles FJMC’s “Journalism” major graduates acquire specific knowledge in certain spheres and could discover multiple points of view on a certain topic. They have the ability to assess their information sources and to choose the type of information in accordance to the media platform.

The students develop team work skills, which are exceptionally necessary for the practicing of this job, and they can convincingly present their ideas. Beside the creative aspect, Bachelors of Journalism are prepared to adopt entrepreneurial initiatives by acquiring knowledge of the economic conditions and market possibilities in which this profession is developing. FJMC’s graduates in the Educational and Qualification degree “Bachelor” of “Journalism” major are trained to use trustworthy methods of data analysis and processing and can offer working solutions for difficult practical questions. Journalism students also have a very good foreign language training. At last but not the least, “Journalism” major graduates are capable of taking responsibility for the decisions made in the journalistic process.

4. Professional development

The complex preparation of students in “Journalism” major gives them the opportunity to find realization in public and private media, to affirm themselves in positions for which media knowledge is required, in companies, non-government organizations, foundations and media agencies on a domestic, national and international level, to develop their own producer activity. In this sense, “Journalism” major gives the following possibilities for professional realization of graduating journalists:

  • Editor
  • Reporter
  • Program host
  • News presenter
  • Producer
  • Media specialist
  • Media analyst
  • Expert
  • Media observer

The students who acquire the Educational and Qualification degree “Bachelor” of “Journalism” major can continue their education in the higher educational degrees “Master” and “Doctor of Philosophy” in Bulgaria and in abroad, and to develop scientific and practical activity in the field of media and journalism.