Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Faculty Members (Departments) / Departments / Finance and Accounting / Lecturers - Department of Finance and Accounting / Chief Assist. Prof. Georgi Ganev, Ph.D.




Georgi Yordanov Ganev

Languages. English and Russian.

Computer skills: Word for Windows, LaTex, E-views, Micro-TSP, Gauss, RATS, Excel, Quatro-Pro

ResearchGate: Georgi Ganev

RePEc: Georgi Ganev



1993-1997 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics - August 1997.

1992-1993 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

Master of Arts in Economics - December 1993.

1990-1992 Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa.

Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration - May 1992.

1988-1990 Faculty of Law, Sofia University "St. 4 semesters, incomplete.

1981-1986 114 English Language High School, Sofia.


Professional experience

2003 – Founding member and member of the Governing Council of the Bulgarian Macroeconomic Association

2002 – Member of the editorial team of the Theoretical Journal of Politics and Culture "Reason".

1998 – Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University

1997 – Program Director, Economic Research, Center for Liberal Strategies, Sofia

2003 – Academic Director and Lecturer, "International Seminar on Institutional Analysis and Comparative Studies: the case of Bulgaria". The conference was held at the University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia.

2002 – Lecturer, HESP/OSI Summer School "New Institutional Economics for Countries in Transition: Theoretical Debates and Policy Implementation", International Center for Comparative and Institutional Studies, St. Petersburg State University.

1999-2001 – Expert to the Economic Policy Committee of the National Assembly.

1994-1997 – Research assistant and lecturer of prof. Douglas S. North, Nobel Laureate in Economics, for courses in Economic History and Economics of Property Rights, Washington University, St. Louis.

1994 – Three-month internship in the Economic Regulation Department of the Bulgarian National Bank.

1993-1996 – Assistant Lecturer for the courses Principles of Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics and Comparative Economic Analysis, Washington University, St. Louis.

1991-1992 – Assistant Lecturer of the course "Introduction to Computers: Mackintosh," Graceland College, Lamoni.