Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / On April 24, KPMG's "Audit is exciting" event was held at FEBA




On April 24 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" the event "Audit is exciting" was held, at which KPMG was the symbolic host. Students learned more about the role of the auditing profession in business and society, the fun and challenging aspects of an auditor's daily life, and the opportunities that the profession brings.


After the short presentation, students worked as a team on a practical case study that aimed to identify business risks and their potential effect on a company's business. Congratulations to the winning teams who receive a special invitation to participate in a working meeting between the auditor in charge and the CFO of a major financial institution.

The meeting ended with a networking cocktail and time for a bite to eat, with the cold ones having the opportunity to ask their questions to colleagues from the KPMG audit team.


Thank you to all students who attended. We believe it was both fun and beneficial for both parties!