Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / A guest lecture was held by Zhenina Zhileva, head of the “Administration and Human Resources” department at the Debt Collection Agency




On November 28, the students from the master’s program “Business Administration – Human Resources Development” were visited by Mrs. Zhenina Zhileva, head of the “Administration and Human Resources” department at the Debt Collection Agency EAD. She talked about organizational culture (OC) through the prism of the human resource management function.

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During the guest lecture, Mrs. Zhileva focused on the following issues:

  • What does OC manifest itself in the recruitment and selection process?
  • What do we understand about OC in labor administration?
  • How does OC show up in rewards and benefits?
  • And in the training and development process?
  • What about motivation and talent retention?

Based on meetings with representatives of practice, students perform a specific learning task as part of the content of the course “Management and Development of Organizational Culture” with supervisors Prof. PhD. Tsvetan Davidkov and Ch. Assist. Dr. Raya Kanazireva.