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Assoc. Prof. Stela Raleva, PhD

Stela Ralev

A member of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University „St Kliment Ohridski“ since 2021. A lecturer with extensive experience at the Department of Economics and former Vice-rector at University of National and World Economy (2016 – 2020). Delivered lectures at SU „St. Kliment Ohridski“, New Bulgarian University, Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Veliko Tarnovo University „St. St. Kiril and Metodius“. Vice Chairperson (2017 – 2020) and Member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Regional Science Association.

Specialized in Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Slovakia and Russia. Participated in 8 international and 12 national research and educational projects, a leader of one research project. Participated in a number of international conferences and workshops in Italy, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Romania, North Macedonia, Albania, India, and Sri Lanka. Took part in the programme committees of a number of international scientific conferences. From 2014 until 2016 was a Member of the Editorial Board of the BNB Discussion Papers series.

Assoc. prof. Stela Raleva has over 90 scientific publications in Bulgarian and English.



  • Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International Economics
  • Economic Policy


Selected publications:

Raleva, St. (2013) Inflation and Economic Growth: Theory, Methodology, Empirics, UNWE Publishing Complex, 279 p., ISBN: 978-954-644-417-2.

Raleva, St., (2003) Monetary Causes of Inflation: Empirical Study, Research Papers, University Publishing „Stopanstvo“, pp. 4-46.

Raleva, St., (2012) Cost Push Factors of Bulgarian Inflation, Economic Thought, Sofia, pp. 37 – 75.

Raleva, St., (2013) Structural Sources and Characteristics of Bulgarian Inflation, Sofia, Economic Studies, Vol. 1, pp. 41 – 71;

Raleva, St., (2016) Competition and Regulations, in Marikina, M., et. al., Effectiveness of the Government as a Factor for the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy, UNWE Publishing, pp. 218-254;

Constantin, D., Goschin, Z., Stattev, St., Raleva, St., Ileanu, B., (2012) Multi-Criteria Analysis as a Tool for Municipal Property Management, Romanian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 22-40.

Raleva, St., (2014) Impact of Labour on Economic Growth in Bulgaria (1991-2013), Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, pp. 5-14.

Raleva, St., (2020) Bulgarian GDP Expenditure Structure: Growth Impact and Convergence with Eurozone, Yearbook of UNWE, Issue 1, pp. 167-191.

Raleva, St., Marikina, M., (2020) Structural Convergence with Eurozone and Institutional Quality in Bulgaria, 33rd EBES Conference Proceedings, EBES Istanbul – Turkey: EBES Publications, 2020, pp. 586-600.

Stattev, St., Raleva, St., (2006) The Bulgarian GDP Structures Convergence to EU, South-Eastern European Journal of Economics, 2006, Vol. 4(2), pp. 193-207.

Stattev St., Daskalova T., Constantin, D., Raleva, St., Goschin, Z., Development of a Comprehensive System for Municipal Real Property Classification, Administration and Public Management Review, Bucharest, Romania, 2012, pp. 17-42.


Research interests:

  • Inflation
  • Economic Growth
  • Structural Characteristics of Economic Growth
  • Macroeconomic Stabilization
  • Economic Convergence



email: stela.raleva@feb.uni-sofia.bg

Address: 1113 Sofia, 125 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., Block 3, Office 507


Office hours

Monday 13.00-15.00, after confirmation by e-mail


Profiles in scientific platforms:




CV in English