Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Faculty Members (Departments) / Departments / Economics / Lecturers - Department of Economics / Chief Assist. Prof. Stoyan Shalamanov, PhD


Ch. Ass. Prof. Stoyan Shalamanov, Ph.D.

Chief Assistant Professor Shalamanov started working in the Department of Economics in 2019. He is an administrator of the Master's program "Economics and Law". He is a macroeconomist and a lawyer by education with professional experience in investing, management and control of private companies, lawyer in civil and commercial law. He has also given lectures and seminars on Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, European Union - Policies, Programs and Projects, and Management at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia and the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. His research interests are mainly in the field of property rights and the economic results of their construction and economic analysis of law.



  • General Economic Theory
  • Economic Analysis of Law
  • Economic Aspects of Law
  • European Policies and Programmes


Selected publications

Shalamanov, Stoyan, The Conflict between Utility and Efficiency in the Management of the Property Rights in Urban Construction, "Economic and Social Alternatives", Vol: 26, Issue: 1, pages: 83-91, ISSN (print): 1314-6556, ISSN (online): 2534-8965, UNWE, 2020.

Shalamanov, Stoyan, Public-private Ownership as an Alternative Form of Companies Operating in Transport Construction, Annual of The University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Vol: 52, Issue:4, pages: 1159-1169, ISSN (print): 1310-814X, ISSN (online): 2534-9759, UACG, 2019.

Shalamanov, Stoyan, Economic Effects of Ownership Fragmentation, "Economic and Social Alternatives", Issue 3, p. 118–127, UNWE, 2017.


Fields of study

  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Property Rights and Economic Performance
  • Economic Analysis of Law
  • Institutional Economics
  • Constitutional Economics
  • Economy of the European Union
  • Economics of Security and Defence
  • Management



email: Shalamanov@feb.uni-sofia.bg

Adress: 1113 Sofia Blvd. 125 Tsarigradsko Shose Street, Block 3, Office 505


Office hours

Wednesday 15.00 – 16.00 in MS Teams, after confirmation by e-mail


Profiles in scientific platforms


CV in English