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Sofia University Remains Is Leading Institution in Two Approved Financing Project Proposals for Centers for Top Achievements

The person in charge of the Ruling Body of the Science and Education for Educational Growth 2014-2020 Program approved the report of the evaluation commission for the appraisal and the rating of project proposals subject to selection BG05M2OP001-1.001 “Building and Development of Centers for Top Achievements”.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is a leading organization in two of the approved for financing projects of the approved for financing project proposals for the establishment and development of centers for top achievements.

In Component 2: “Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies” the proposal for the establishment of “Universities for Science, Informatics and Technologies in e-Societies” Center for Top Achievements was approved. The project proposal received the total complex grade of 97.1800 and is at the value of 29 781 883.04 levas.

In Component 4: "New Technologies in the Creative and Recreational Industries“. The proposal was approved for the establishment and development of the “Heritage BG” Center for Top Achievements Project submitted by the “Heritage BG” Consortium.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” has scored the complex grade of 72.3800 which is at the value of 29 785 549.49 levas

In Component 1:”Mechatronics and Pure Technologies” has been an approved proposal for the establishment of a National Center of Mechatronics and Pure Technologies. In the project proposal, which has received the complex grade 86.4600 and evaluated at 69 184 529.81 levas, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is partnering together with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Technological University of Sofia.