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Prof. DEconSc. Anton Gerunov, Ph.D.



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Prof. DEconSc Anton Gerunov is a PhD in Economics and Associate Professor in Risk Management and Methods for Public Policy Analysis. He joined Sofia University in 2011, first as a part-time professor and then as a full-time assistant professor. Since 2017 he has been an associate professor at the Department of Economics and Management of Industries.

He has experience in the public sector as an economic advisor to the Council of Ministers and as a manager of e-government funding programmes, as well as a consultant on innovation in the private sector.

His main research interests are in risk management, finance, automated business decision systems.

Prof. Gerunov PhD has published articles in international journals such as International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, as well as in a number of national level journals.

He is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Socio-Economic Systems Modelling and Chairman of the Institute for Data Ethics and Analytics.