Prof. George Mengov, PhD
Prof. Dr. George Mengov works at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski since 2005.
During 2001–2004 he was a Research Associate at the Centre of Biomedical Engineering of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Previously, he worked as an IT consultant in Unisys Corporation (1995–2000).
He is currently the head of the Center for Modeling of Socio-Economic Systems at Sofia University, and a member of the Advisory Board of Swiss Innovation Valley, an IT business incubator. Dr. Mengov serves on the editorial boards of International Journal of Neural Networks and Advanced Applications (Oregon, USA) and Automation and Informatics, the journal of John Atanasoff Union of Automation and Informatics in Bulgaria.
He has authored and co-authored about 70 scientific articles, published in Neural Networks, Journal of Behavioral an Experimental Economics, Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, etc. His book Decision Science: A Human-Oriented Perspective was published by Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Office 510
ResearchGate: George Mengov
ORCID Number: 0000-0001-8157-3246
Selected Publications:
Mengov, G., Georgiev, N., Zinovieva, I., and Gerunov, A. (2022) Virtual social networking increases the individual’s economic predictability. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 101 (2022) 101944.
Nenov, I., Mengov, G., Ganev, K., and Simeonova–Ganeva, R. (2021) Neurocomputational economic forecasting with a handful of data. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Comptes Rendus), 74 (10), 1511-1518
Mengov, G., Trifonov, T., and Georgiev, K. (2018) Solving an emotional memory equation. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Comptes Rendus), 71 (12), 1672-1678
Mengov, G. (2015) Adaptive Resonances Across Scales. Chapter 7 in: Decision Science: A Human-Oriented Perspective. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47122-7_7
Mengov, G. (2015) Decision Science: A Human-Oriented Perspective. Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.
Mengov, G. (2014) Person-by-person prediction of intuitive economic choice. Neural Networks, 60, 232-245
Mengov, G., Egbert, H., Pulov, S., and Georgiev, K. (2008) Affective balances in experimental consumer choices. Neural Networks, 21 (9), 1213-1219
Mengov, G. and Nikolova S. (2008) Utility function derived from affective balance theory. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Comptes Rendus), 61 (12), 1605-1612
Mengov, G., Georgiev, K., Pulov, S., Trifonov, T., and Atanassov, K. (2006) Fast computation of a gated dipole field. Neural Networks, 19, 1636-1647
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Менгов, Г. (2014) Рационалност и интуиция в човешките решения. Академично слово в Деня на Светите братя равноапостоли Кирил и Методий 24 май в Аулата на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Стратегии на образователната и научната политика, том 22 (3), 275-282.
Менгов, Г. (2013) Социалната фракталност. Техносфера, 3 (21), 25-36
Менгов, Г. (2010) Вземане на решения при риск и неопределеност. Жанет 45, Пловдив