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On March 22, the University Center for Entrepreneurship of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" welcomed students from the 81 High School Victor Hugo in Sofia.

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The group was led by Mrs. Galina Ilieva - a teacher of entrepreneurship, economics and English, who shared her experience in managing personal finances.

The head of the University Center for Entrepreneurship, Prof. Ph.D. Tsvetan Davidkov defended the thesis that the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University is a good place for training and development of young people. He presented the different types of entrepreneurial behavior, and real entrepreneurial stories provided an opportunity to discuss questions of interest to the students:

  • How to choose a field for your own business?
  • What does it mean to "get in on time" and "get out on time" in business?
  • Why is it beneficial for an entrepreneur to involve the right people in running the business?

The established channels of communication are open for subsequent useful initiatives