Home / Admission / International Students / Application procedure / Applicants from non EU member countries / General requirements


The University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" is open in offering different specialties and forms of study to all candidates who meet the following requirements:

Bachelor's Degree Programmes:

1. To have completed secondary education that makes them eligible to continue their studies in higher educational institutions in the country in which the applicants have completed their secondary education

2. In the applicant's diploma for secondary education the grades relevant to the the major applied for are not lower than 62% of the maximum grade in accordance to the grading system in the country, in which the applicant has completed secondary education (i.e. the equivalent to a grade Good 4).

3. To not suffer diseases contra-indicated to the area of study or the profession applied for.

Master's Degree Programmes:

1. To have completed higher education with Bachelor's or Master's degree awarded. If the applicant's Diploma is acquired from a foreign educational institution, it must be recognized with the purpose of obtaining access to further education within the higher education system of Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski'.

2. The average grade of the applicant's Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) to be no less than the equivalent of Good 4 according to the Bulgarian system of grades.

3. For some of the programs the respective faculties may have additional requirements or entrance exams, on the basis of which the applicants are selected.