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E-mail: mshishiniova@biofac.uni-sofia.bg

М Шишиньова

Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski",

Department of Zoology and Anthropology,

8 Dragan Tzankov blv., 1164 Sofia

Degrees 2012 - professor, Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"
Teaching activities in Bachelor degree lectures in Zoology of invertebrates, Structural and functional Zoology Part I
Teaching activities in Master degree lectures and seminars in Comparative morphology, anatomy and systematics of insects, Natral foci of transmissible infections and parasitic diseases, Medical and Veterinary Entomology with acarology
Research interests General entomology, Insect physiology, Medical entomology, Insect transmission infections and parasitic diseases
Textbooks for students

Мария Шишиньова. 2011. Структурна и функционална зоология на безгръбначните животни. Университетска библиотека 504. УИ “Св. Кл. Охридски” София. 357 с.

Мария Шишиньова, Лиляна Бодурова, Илиян Илиев. 2006. Зоология на безгръбначните животни. Практикум първа част. 411 илюстрации (преработено издание). Гера Арт. София. 163 с.

Мария Шишиньова, Елена Ташева-Терзиева. 2003. Зоология на безгръбначните животни. Практикум втора част. 861 илюстрации. Гера Арт. София. 255.

Васил Големански, Мария Шишиньова. 2001. Зоология на безгръбначните животни. Гера Арт. София. 390 с.

Мария Шишиньова, Лиляна Бодурова, Илиян Илиев. 2001. Зоология на безгръбначните животни. Практикум първа част. Арт-График, София. 235 с

Selected publications

Bankova, V., A. Atanassov, R. Denev, M. Shishiniova. 2012. Bulgarian bee products and their health promoting potential. Biotechnology& biotechnological eq.

Simova, S., A. Atanassov., M. Shishiniova, V. Bankova. 2012. A rapid differentiation between oak honeydew honey and nectar and other honeydew honeys by NMR spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 134 (3): 1706–1710.

Лъвчиева-Начева, Г. В., Хр. Дилова, Д. Градинаров, Е. Ташева-Терзиева, М. Шишиньова. 2011. Изследване кръвната картина на ларви на Galleria mellonella L. (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) в норма и след заразяване с ентомопатогенни нематоди. Х юбилейна научна конференция по ентомология”100 години българско ентомологично дружество”. 27-28 октомври 2011 (доклад).

Kostova, R., R. Bekchiev, A. Lapeva-Gjonova, E. Tasheva-Terzieva, I., Iliev, P. Mitov, S. Zidarova, H. Delchev, M. Shishiniova, 2010. Investigation of model epigeobiont and geobiont animal groups as a potential for a long-term monitoring and conservation of biodiversity in Strandzha mountain (Bulgaria and Turkey). First results. Трета Балканска конференция “Науката, образованието и изкуството през 21-ви век”. Благоевград, 10-11 септември 2010.

Atanassov, A., M. Shishiniova, R. Batchvarova, B. Galutsov, S. Georgiev, I. Atanassov, K. Russanov, I. Roussenova, 2009. Joint Genomic Centar – a new approach for the establishment of an efficient public/private partnership. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 15(6): 479-486.

Шишиньова, М., И. Илиев, Е. Ташева-Терзиева, Г. Начева, Р. Цонев, И. Трайков, В. Стефанов, Д. Градинаров, А. Лапева-Гьонова, А. Грозданов, Б. Златков, Р. Бекчиев, Р. Костова. 2009. Изследване и оценка на биологичното разнообразие на биосферните резервати “Мантарица” и “Купена”. International Science Conference, Stara Zagora. 4-5 юни 2009.

Шишиньова, М. Д. 2009. Зоологията и зоологичното образование в предизвикателствата на ХХІ век. XI Anniversary Scientific Conference “Biology – Traditions and Challenges” 27-29 May 2009. (пленарен доклад).

Shishiniova, M., Y. Georgieva-Chakinska. 2008. Bacterial complex of entomopathogenic nematodes of the family Steinernematidae (Rabditida) from Bulgaria. In: Advances in Arachnology and developmental Biology. Vienna – Belgrade - Sofia. Monographs, 12, 163 – 178.

Georgieva-Chakinska, Y., V. Groudeva, M. Shishiniova, 2008. Bacterial genus Xenorhabdus (Enterobacteriaceae): part of the bacterial complex of five Bulgarian populations entomopathogenic nematode from genus Steinernema (Steinernematidae: Rabditida). Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment. 22 (3): 820-823.

Nenova, E., S. Tishkov, M. Shishiniova, 2007. Investigation of hydrochemical parameters of the Vaya lake and their influence on the quantitative composition of plankton invertebrates, Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 1:13-20.

Мончева, П., М. Шишиньова, 2006. Ентомопатогенните бактерии като средство за биологичен контрол. Екологично Инженерство и Опазване на Околната Среда.,1: 4-14.

Georgieva, Y. H., V. I. Grudeva, M. D. Shishiniova, 2005. Taxonomic identification of bacteria, associated with Bulgarian populations of entomopathogenic nematodes from genus Steinernema (Rhabditida, Steinernematidae) II, Biotehnology, biotechnological equipment, 19(3), 68-73.

Kostova, R., M. Shishiniova, 2004. Food preferences of Pseudoophonus rufipes. De Geer and Pseudoophonus griseus Panzer (Coleoptera, Carabidae) for seeds of weed and cultivated plants. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, 96(4): 137-149.

Georgieva, Y., V. Groudeva, M. Shishiniova, 2003. Taxonomic identification of bacteria, associated with Bulgarian populations of entomopathogenic nematodes from genus Steinernema (Rhabditida, Steinernematidae). Biotechnology and biotechnological equipment, 17 (2): 44-49.

Shishiniova, M., R. Kostova, N. Kojabashev, 2001. A study of carabid beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) communities in three types of agrocenoses. Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade, 53 (3-4), 123-128.

Shishiniova, M., N. Kojabashev, R. Kostova, 2001. Карабидофауната (Coleoptera, Carabidae) в агроценози в близост до София. Acta Ent. Bulgarica, 7(1-2): 40-48.

Lavchieva, G., M. Shishiniova. 2000. Effect of the insect growth regulators cascade and nomolt on Phytodecta fornicata Brug. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Acta zool. Bulg., 52 (3), 75-78.

Gradinarov, D., M. Shishiniova, L. Budurova., 2000. Entomopathogenic nematodes of the family Steinernematidae in Bulgaria – distribution in natural ecosystems and hosts. Acta Entomol. Bulg. 1, 34–39.

Shishiniova, M., Budurova, L., Gradinarov, D., 2000. Entomopathogenic nematodes of the fam. Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae (Nematoda, Rhabditida) in Bulgaria. 7th European Meeting in the IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Insect Pathogens and Insect Parasitic Nematodes" March 22-26, 1999, Vienna, Austria. In: Insect Pathogens and Insect Parasitic Nematodes, IOBC wprs Bulletin, 23 (2), 75-78.

Shishiniova, M., L. Budurova, D. Gradinarov. 1999. Steinernema bicornutum Tallosi, Peters & Ehlers, 1995 (Nematoda, Rhabditida) – new species for entomopathogenic fauna of Bulgaria. ъ, 2: 92-95.

Shishiniova, M., L. Budurova, D. Gradinarov. 1998. Contribution to the fauna of the entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) from Bulgaria II. Biotechnology & biotechnological Eq. 1: 104-109.

Shishiniova, M., L. Budurova, D. Gradinarov. 1998. Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser, 1955) (Nematoda, Rhabditida) – new species for entomopathogenic fauna of Bulgaria. Exp. Pathology and Parasitology 1: 30-35.

Iliev, O., M. Shishiniova, Ts. Peteva, P. Atanassova. 1998. Studies on Aleochara (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), parasitoids on muscoid flies. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Zool. 88-90, 55-58.

Shishiniova, M., L. Budurova, D. Gradinarov. 1997. Contribution to the fauna of the entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) from Bulgaria. Biotechnology and biotechnological equipment, 1-2: 45-51.

Shishiniova, M. 1995. The effect of chitinsynthesis inhibitor Alsistin and juvenoid Insegar on Musca domestica L. (Diptera, Muscidae) II. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, 1 – Zoology, 86-87, 123-128.


Member of the Bulgarian Entomological Society

Member of the Bulgarian Parasitological Society

Member of the Union of the Bulgarian biologists

Member of the Scientific council of Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER) – Bulgarian Academy of Science

Member of the National council on biological diversity of Ministry of Environment and Watersonment and tionl on Biological Di

Member of the Board of Directors of Sofia University Publishing and printing houses

Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Balkan Educational Environmental Center at the University Botanic Gardens of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Manager of Joint Genome Center at Sofia University

Editor of the book I – Zoology of Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia, Faculty of Biology

Member of the Editorial Board of “Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment“ journal

Member in expert groups to the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation