Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication / Degree Programmes / Further Education


The Facility of Journalism and Mass Communication offers one-year course as Further Education in following profiles:

- Radio programs and sound recording

- Radio and television programs

- Video operating

- Computer video and sound montage

- Photography

Study classes are hold by professors from The Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and also by media specialists. Students are graduating with certificate for professional qualification in their elective profile. The certificate is admitted in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, and SAR.

How to apply? You need application form, original and copy of the high- school diploma. For the evening- classes can apply students of all universities and departments.

Radio programs and sound recording The object of this course is organization of a radio program-expressional specifics, planning and programming. Graduating the course, you are able to work as producers, sound operators and sound directors.

Radio and television programs Graduating this course, students are able to work in national, regional and local televisions as specialists. During the course they are working with modern video and sound techniques. Realization possibilities- in TV channels, record studios, advertisement agencies and film studios.

Video operating The course gives basics in working with video camera, creating video films, spots, culture and public events.

Computer video and sound montage Course is expedient/ suitable for those, who are interested in getting practical skills about video and sound materials. Study proceeds two semesters: - studying and practicing - computer sound montage: digital record, frequency modulation, multichannel record and montage. - computer video montage - multimedia technology for assembling video and sound, text, static sequence, Adobe Photoshop. The course gives the opportunity to create TV and radio spots, to work with video and sound computer communication stations.

Photography - professional knowledge and skills in photography. Students can work in papers, magazines, publish houses, news agencies, advertisements.