Univ.-Prof. Dr. Spiridon Paraskewopoulos,
Full time professor in the Department of Economics and
Director of the Institute for Economic Theory (Macroeconomics) at the
University of Leipzig/Germany
Marschnerstr. 31
D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: 0049-(0)341-9733540
Fax: 0049-(0)341-9733549
E-mail: paraske@wifa.uni-leipzig.de
Curriculum Vitae
1. Personal Information
Date of Birth: 1942 01 05
Place of Birth: Traganon/Greece
Married, four children
Greek and German Citizenship
2. Education
1948 - 1955 Primary school in Traganon/Greece
1955 - 1961 High School in Gastouni/Greece
Dec. 1961-Sept.1962 Labourer in Germany
Oct. 1962-April 1963 Language school in Ewersbach/Germany
1963 - 1969 Studies of economics at Philipps-University in Marburg/Germany
Feb. 1969 Diplom Volkswirt (Master of Economics) of economics
at Philipps-University in Marburg/Germany
June 1972 Dr. rer.pol. (PhD) at Philipps-University in Marburg/Germany
June 1983 Venia legendi (fellowship) of Economics at University
in Cologne/Germany
3. Professional Occupations
Sept. 1969-Sept. 1972 Scientific assistant in the Department of Economics
at Philipps University in Marburg/Germany
Oct. 1972-June 1983 Scientific assistant in the Department of economics at the University of Cologne/Germany
June 1983-Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University
Sept.1990 of Cologne/Germany
Sept. 1990 - Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Economics
Sept. 1992 at the University of Cologne/Germany
Since wintersemester 1992/93 Full time professor in the Department of Economics and Director
of the Institute for Economic Theory (Macroeconomics) at The University of Leipzig/Germany
4. Other Professional Occupations
Winter semester 1990/1991 Visiting Professor in the Department of Economics at the University
of Technology in Dresden/Germany
Summer semester 1991 Visiting Professor in the Departments of Economics at the University of Technology in Köthen and at the University of Leipzig/Germany
Winter semester 1991/1992 Visiting Professor in the Departments of Economics at the Universities
of Potsdam and Leipzig and the University of Technology
in Köthen/Germany
Summer semester Visiting Professor in the Departments of Economics at the Universities
1992 of Potsdam and Leipzig and the University of Technology
in Köthen/Germany
October 1992 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia/Bulgaria
March 1994 Visiting Professor at the University of Kiev/Ukraine
October 1995 Visiting Professor at the University of Varna/Bulgaria
March 1996 Visiting Professor at the University of Kiev/Ukraine
June 1997 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia/Bulgaria
March 2002 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia/Bulgaria
March 2003 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia/Bulgaria
March 2004 Visiting Professor at the University of Sofia/Bulgaria