Сдружението на завършилите Стопанския факултет организира
Шести семинар за високо управленско ниво на тема „Стимулиране на творчеството, факторът с най-голям потенциал в турбулентни времена“
В този курс на доц. Нора Маджар (възпитаник на Стопанския факултет и преподавател в Университета на Кънектикът - САЩ) се включват 9 компании от различни сектори на индустрията (Alcatel-Lucent, БДЖ – Пътнически превози, БДЖ – Товарни превози, Coca-Cola HBC, Девин, Globul, Metro Cash & Carry, MKB Unionbank, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Стремежът ни на организатори е да осигурим атмосфера, стимулираща ученето и общуването между участниците.
Кратка информация на английски език:
The Executive Seminar "STIMULATING CREATIVITY: THE FACTOR WITH MOST POTENTIAL IN TURBULENT TIMES" was held by Dr. Nora Madjar on 13-14 January 2012, Friday and Saturday, in Sofia.
The course is for senior executives who have major responsibilities in areas such as marketing, production, client service, R&D, human resource development, IT team leading. It is an excellent opportunity for leaders to further develop their skills and exchange work experience with peers at highest levels at other companies.
Dr. Nora Madjar is Associate Professor of Management at the University of Connecticut. She received her Ph. D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her primary area of research is creativity and innovation and the contextual conditions that stimulate or hinder creative problem solving. She has multiple articles published in premier journals like the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, etc.
The course is a 50/50 combination of lecture and experiential learning techniques to boost individual participant’s creativity and generate ideas for improving the organizational context for creativity and innovation. English is the work language.