Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Архив / Архив "Магистърски програми" / Master Level Elective Course: Managing Creativity and Innovation for Entrepreneurial Ventures




Managing Creativity and Innovation for Entrepreneurial Ventures


Master Level Elective Course

3 credits / 45 credit hours


Nora Madjar

Associate Professor, University of Connecticut

Fulbright Scholar


This course will focus on managing creativity and innovation in the context of entrepreneurship and new ventures. It is designed to expose students to the context and basic concepts of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship and to encourage entrepreneurial, opportunity-oriented thinking. The major theme running through the course is the origin, assessment, and development of creative ideas and business opportunities, the innovative transformation of knowledge into commercial products and services and the commercialization of technology. We will explore the activities involved in actively searching for opportunity ideas, the creative processes that bring about such ideas, and the ways in which such ideas are continuously assessed, developed and led to successful commercialization.


Rather than being a passive observer, students will have a first-hand encounter with the process, through thinking about possible ideas, engaging in primary and secondary research, and developing a “real” opportunity idea. And all this … before even thinking about writing a business plan. Hands-on experience will be complemented with mini-lectures and class discussions to help illustrate and understand the theories, concepts and techniques of creativity and entrepreneurship.


For enrollment and more details about the syllabus please email: nora.madjar@business.uconn.edu