Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Факултет по педагогика / Учебна дейност / бакалаври, магистри, докторанти, СДК / Магистърски програми / Факултет по педагогика / MA programs in English Language Teaching / Master program "Design for digital learning"


Training period: 2 semesters (for specialists)

Form of education: Part time study

Start: winter semester, training subsidized by the state, paid training


Contact information: prof. Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, PhD

Tel.number.: +359 896 725 060

e-mail: r.peytcheva@fp.uni-sofia.bg


Blog of the programme: https://designfordigitallearning2022.blogspot.com/


The M.S. in Design for Digital Learning programme at the University of Sofia addresses the topic of learning design for digital learning, a term which we define in an inclusive way as any type of learning that is accompanied by effective use of technology (and so covers a wide range of practices including online learning, and eLearning, as well as their integration with face-to-face learning).


The programme provides students with advanced knowledge in learning design approaches, learning theories, and in the development of skills and competencies to use this theory with contemporary technologies to design digital learning. The programme explores these design approaches, learning theories, and methods for digital learning with a special attention to the specifics of the educational context. As a result of participation in this programme, students will better understand and more effectively utilize technology, to design both digital products (web-based courses and e-learning resources) and digital learning and assessment activities. Using a variety of digital tools, students will build their own learning designs and theoretically justify the choice of design approaches and decisions, with an emphasis on the appropriate use of technologies to support digital learning in different contexts. Given the diverse career tracks in learning design, this programme offers students the flexibility to customize their course of study based on their individual goals and interests.


As a result of their training in this program, students will acquire the following key knowledge, skills and competencies:

  • Ability to apply learning theories in design and development of quality e-learning experiences
  • Knowledge of learning design theories, models and principles and ability to apply appropriate, context-sensitive pedagogic design to develop innovative, engaging and successful digital learning courses and resources and to assess online students’ progress and learning results
  • Identify and apply current research, theory and learning analytics to optimize the digital learning experiences
  • Ability to identify customer/user requirements and to conduct needs’ analysis of different target groups and organisations
  • Ability to apply accessibility and usability standards of media and technologies in selection, evaluation and design of digital learning activities and resources
  • Ability to use VLE(s) and virtual classrooms for learning design (e.g., Blackboard; Moodle),
  • Ability of incorporating visual, audio, video, and animation elements in the development of eLearning resources aiming at enhancement of learner experience
  • Ability to identify and resolve legal and ethical implications of e-learning design
  • Knowledge of eLearning quality standards and ability to apply them in the learning design products (courses, learning activities and resources), etc.


Professional Realization

Graduates of the program will be well prepared to use their expertise in a variety of learning contexts – formal, non-formal and informal, including K-12 schools, non-formal education, higher education, government, business or to pursue doctoral studies in the field.


In particular, the students will be prepared to successfully practice as:

  • Instructional/Learning designers for digital education – Code 2359.8 – European skills/competences, qualifications and occupations (ESCO)
  • E-learning developer – Code 2359.5 – European skills/competences, qualifications and occupations (ESCO)
  • Teacher trainers in the field of digital learning design (Information technology trainers - ISCO-08 code 2356 ESCO)
  • Designers of digital educational resources and online modules/courses
  • Evaluators of online courses, programs, resources and e-content in general
  • Consultants of digital learning design in a variety of educational contexts
  • Project developers and managers in the field of digital learning design.


Conditions of admission


1) For candidates for training subsidized by the state


Admission requirements for applicants from Bulgaria and EU member countries:

  • To have completed higher education with minimum Bachelor's degree in Education / Pedagogy awarded and / or a document for the acquired qualification "teacher". The documents have to be submitted at 212 room (Rectorate of Sofia University, 15 Tzar Osvoboditel blvd, Sofia ) or online: fp.kmk.uni-sofia.bg
  • The average grade of the applicant's Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) is to be no less than the equivalent of Very good 4,50, according to the Bulgarian system of grades.
  • Candidates will be enrolled to the Programme after an oral competitive exam. Information about the time and place of the exam is published on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy.


Candidates who have successfully passed the exam but don’t ranked for education subsidized by the state have the right, if they wish, to participate in ranking for paid training without attending an interview.


Competition exam program

Theme 1. The impact of information and communication technologies’ development on learning, teaching and education - contemporary and future trends.


Theme 2. Lessons learned from the large-scale deployment of e-learning during the Covid 19 pandemic. Strengths and weaknesses of digital technologies in supporting teaching and learning.



1. Marcela Hermosa Del Vasto, Influence of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the teaching learning process: improving digital skills, Recibido: 2015


2. Jamieson-Proctor, R. M., Transforming learning with information and communication technologies: Insights from three decades of research, Australian Council for Educational Research, Research Conference 2018


3. The effect of the teachers' experience in online education during the pandemic on their views of strengths and weaknesses of e-learning (SU case), Peytcheva-Forsyth, R. V.; Aleksieva, L. K.. 22nd International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech 2021 ; : 1-11, 2021.

4. Strengthening online learning when schools are closed: The role of families and teachers in supporting students during the COVID-19 crisis, OECD report


5. Turnbull, D., Chugh, R. & Luck, J. Transitioning to E-Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: How have Higher Education Institutions responded to the challenge?. Educ Inf Technol 26, 6401–6419 (2021).




2) For candidates for paid training


Admission requirements for applicants from Bulgaria and EU member countries:

  • To have completed higher education with minimum Bachelor's degree in Education / Pedagogy awarded and / or a document for the acquired qualification "teacher". The documents have to be submitted at 212 room (Rectorate of Sofia University, 15 Tzar Osvoboditel blvd, Sofia ) or online: fp.kmk.uni-sofia.bg
  • The average grade of the applicant's Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) is to be no less than the equivalent of Good 3,50, according to the Bulgarian system of grades.
  • Candidates will be enrolled to the Programme after an interview in English about their motivation for and interest in the Programme. Information about the time and place of the interview is published on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy.


Admission requirements for applicant from non EU member countries:

  • To have completed higher education with minimum Bachelor's degree with Bachelor's degree in Education / Pedagogy awarded and / or a document for the acquired qualification "teacher". The Diploma must be recognized with the purpose of obtaining access to further education within the higher education system of Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski', 15 Tzar Osvoboditel blvd, Sofia. The documents are submitted at the Admission office for Foreign students – see the information about application procedure for international students at the SU website – https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/admission/international_students
  • The average grade of the applicant's Diploma for higher education (BA / BSc degree) is to be no less than the equivalent of Good 3,50 according to the Bulgarian system of grades.
  • Candidates will be enrolled to the Programme after an interview in English about the motives for choosing the program, interest and expectations from the training. Information about the time and place of the interview is published on the website of the Faculty of Pedagogy.