Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Биологически факултет / Научна и международна дейност / Проект „Научна Инфраструктура по Клетъчни Технологии в Биомедицината (НИКТБ)” / НОВИНИ / ПОКАНА за кандидатстване във FIRST TRAINING SCHOOL HAPLO IPS




The COST Action CA 21151 launches a call for Grants for the First Training School of HAPLO iPS (TS).

TS is funded as part of the COST Action CA 21151. Training Schools aim is to develop skills and capacities and contribute with high quality training of the future generations of European researchers.


Check the agenda for the Training School to find out more about the trainers, the lectures and the workshops (see attachment) .


Application period: 27th March 2023 - 9th April 2023
Evaluation period: 10th April 2023 - 23rd April 2023


Documents for interested applicants
Guidelines for Training School Grants (see document attached) .


How to apply
Interested applicants need to submit the requested documents (EUROPASS CV, motivation letter and Supervisor support letter) to e-mail: haploips@idibell.cat

TS financial support
Following the COST annotated rules (see pages 81-82), trainees are eligible to receive a daily allowance that will financially contribute to (but not necessarily cover) daily expenses such as meals, accommodation and local travel. You can find the daily allowance rate for each country here: https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2022/04/2022_Daily-allowance-table.pdf

According to the COST annotated rules (see pages 82-84), the trainee is also eligible to be reimbursed for their long-distance travel costs. “The trainees are required to choose the most economical means of transportation” (page 81, COST annotated rules).

TS Local Coordinator: haploips@idibell.cat
Further information on the COST Action CA 21151 and Working Groups is available on the website: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21151/


Further details can be consulted at the COST Annotated Rules.