каб. 352
тел: 02 8167 352
e-mail: atosheva@biofac.uni-sofia.bg
Служебен Адрес |
Драган Цанков № 8, София-1164, България каб. № 352, приемно време: вторник от 14-16 ч. |
Заемана длъжност | старши асистент в катедрата по Ботаника |
Основни дейности и отговорности | Провеждане на практически занятия по: Систематика на висшите растения; Ботаника ІІІ; Структура и разнообразие на растения и гъби ; Генетичен фонд и опазване на мадицински растения. |
Преподавателски опит | 2002 - 2005 г. хоноруван асистент в катедрата по Ботаника 2005 г. старши асистент в катедрата |
Образование |
1996 - 2001 г. Магистър по биология 2002 - 2005 г. Редовен докторант в катедрата по Ботаника 2005 г. Доктор по биология, шифър: 01.06.03 |
Научни интереси | Plant taxonomy, biosistematics, karyology, higher plants flora, poiien morphology, seed morphology, macrophytes, medical plants |
Научни публикации | 1. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2000. Reports (1208 - 1212) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) -Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 10. Flora Mediterranea, 10: 419-423. 2. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2001. Reports (1244 - 1247) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) -Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 11. Flora Mediterranea, 11: 455-459. 3. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2002 - Reports (1284 - 1287) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) - Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 12. Flora Mediterranea, 12: 450 - 454. 4. Pavlova, D, Tosheva, A. 2002. Karyological study of Melilotus alba Med. populations in Bulgaria. - Caryologia, 55(2): 105-110. 5. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, А., Nedelcheva, А. 2002. Karyological study of some species from genus Melilotus Mill. In Bulgaria. - In: Temniskova (Ed.). Proceedings of scientific papers, VI National scientific conference of Botany, Sofia, 18-21 06. 2001., 213-218. 6. Тоshevа, А., Pavlova, D. 2003. Notes on distribution of some rare and endangered species of genus Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae) in forest communities - In: B. Rosnev (Ed.) - Proceedings of scientific papers, International scientific conference 75 years of the Forest Research Institute, 1-5. 10. 2003, Sofia,1:284-289. 7. Tosheva, A. 2003 - Reports (1339 - 1343) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) - Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 13. Flora Mediterranea, 13: 365-369. 8. Tosheva. A, Tonkov, S., Dimitrov, N. 2003. Pollen morphology of the species from section Lathyrus (genus Lathyrus L., Fabaceae) in Bulgaria. - Phytologia Balcanica, 9(3): 529-536. 9. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2003 - Reports (1382-1386) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) - Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 13. Flora Mediterranea, 13: 361-365. 10. Tosheva, A. 2004. Contribution to the biosystematics of genus Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae, sect. Pratensis Bässler) in Bulgaria - Proceedings of II Congress of ecologists of the republic of Macedonia with International participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 25-29. 10. 2003, 468-471. 11. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2004. - Reports (1382-1386) - In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. et F. Garbari (eds.) - Mediterranean chromosome number reports - 14. Flora Mediterranea, 14: 429-433. 12. Pavlova, D., Tosheva, A. 2005. Notes on karyomorphology of Melilotus officinalis populations in Bulgaria. - Caryologia, 57 (2): 151-157. 13. Tosheva. A., Tonkov, S. 2005. Investigation on the pollen morphology of the Bulgarian species from section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (genus Lathyrus, Fabaceae) - Acta Botanica Croatica, 64(2):275-287. 14. Tosheva, A. 2005. Lathyrus filiformis (Lam.) Gay (sect. Lathyrostylis, Fabaceae) - a new species for the Bulgarian flora. - Flora Mediterranea, 15: 397-402. 15. Tosheva. A., Tonkov, S. 2007. Pollen morphology of the Bulgarian species from section Lathyrostylis (Griseb.) Bässler (genus Lathyrus, Fabaceae). - Phytologia Balcanica, 13: 393-400. |
Участие в национални и международни проекти | "Karyological study of Bulgarian species from Ononis L. (Fabaceae)" - „Scientific research" Fund University of Sofia "St. Kl. Ochridski" - № 3230/1998; "Biosystematical research on bulgarian representatives of genus Melilotus Mill. (Fabaceae)".- „Scientific research" Fund University of Sofia "St. Kl. Ochridski" - № 269/1999; "Karyological study of Bulgarian species from section Orobus of genus Lathyrus (Fabaceae)" - „Scientific research" Fund University of Sofia "St. Kl. Ochridski" - № 596/2002; "Study of rare and threatened plant species of genus Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae) in Bulgaria - conservation status and current state of the population" (YS-B-1202/2002); "Pollen morphology of the Bulgarian species from genus Melilotus Mill. (Fabaceae), „Scientific research" Fund University of Sofia "St. Kl. Ochridski" - № 129/2004. "Red lists of plants and fungi" - MoEW, 2003-2004 г.; "Red data book of Bulgaria. Volume I. Plants and Fungi" - MoEW, 2004-2008. "Investigation of species from the genus Lathyrus L. from family Fabaceae as agrobioecological resources" (YS-B-1605/2006); |
Участия в международни и национални форуми | 1999 - VIII Scientific Session of Biological faculty, SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", 27-28 May, 1999, Sofia; 2001 - VI National scientific conference of Botany, 18-19 June 2001, Sofia; 2002 - Second Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, Chalkidiki, Greece. 29. 09. - 03. 10. 2002; 2003 - X Anniversary Scientific Session of Biological faculty, SU "St. Kliment Ohridski", 20-21. 11. 2003, Sofia; 2003 - International scientific conference 75 years of the Forest Research Institute, 1-5. 10. 2003, Sofia; 2003 - II Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Ohrid, Macedonia, 25-29. 10. 2003; 2005 - Balkan Conference of Biology, 19 - 21 May 2005, Plovdiv; 2004 - First Croatian Botanical Symposium (1st HBS) with international participation, Zagreb (Croatia), September 30th - October 2nd 2004; 2006 - IV Balkan Botanical Congress, 20-26 June 2006, Sofia; 2008 - Tird International Symposium of Ecologist of The Republic of Montenegro (ISEM3), Herceg Novi, 08-12 Octomber 2008. |