Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Биологически факултет / Катедри и самостоятелни звена / Катедри / Биофизика и радиобиология / Преподаватели / доц. д-р Маргарита Кузманова


каб. 330
тел: 02 8167 309
e-mail: mkouzmanova@uni-sofia.bg


1981 Магистър по Биология, Биологически факултет, СУ “Св.Кл.Охридски”

1997 Доктор по радиобиология, дисертация: "Изследване на биологичното действие и оценка на радиозащитната ефективност на милиметрови електромагнитни вълни"

Преподавателска дейност:

Действие на физични фактори върху биологични системи,

упражнения по Биофизика

Научни интереси:

Биологично действие на магнитни и електромагнитни полета, микровълни, комбинирано действие на електромагнитни полета и физични и химични фактори, ефекти върху човешкото здраве, йонизиращи лъчения


1. Kouzmanova M., S. Ivanov, M. Markov (1993) Biophysical estimation of millimeter waves and gamma-irradiation effects on rats, in: Microwaves in Medicine, Proceedings of 2-nd Int. Scientific Meeting, Rome, Italy, p.199-202

2. Traikov L., M. Kuzmanova, S. Ivanov, M. Markov (1994) Static magnetic field effects basic glycoprotein complex of the erythrocyte membrane, In: Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium on Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems - 4, M.J. Allen, S.F. Cleary, A.E. Sowers (Eds.), World Scientific, p. 334-348

3. Kouzmanova M., S. Ivanov, V. Nankova, M. Markov (1994) Effect of extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields on electrophoretic mobility and ATP content in rat erythrocytes, Bioelectrochem. & Bioenerget., 35: 53-56

4. Traikov L.L., M.S. Markov, M.A. Kuzmanova, S.P. Ivanov (1994) Use of lectins as indicators for magnetic field action on erythrocyte membranes, Reviews on Environmental Health, 10(3-4): 243-246

5. Kouzmanova M., S. Ivanov, V. Nankova, L. Traykov (1997) Effects of ionizing and nonionizing radiation on rat hemopoiesis, Electro- and Magnetobiology, 16(2):161-168.

6. Kouzmanova M., S. Ivanov (1999) Effects of millimeter waves on the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma of gamma-irradiated rats, in: “Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine”, Edited by Bersani, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, p.645-647.

7. Kouzmanova M. (2001) Investigation of the biological action and estimation of the radioprotective effectiveness of millimeter electromagnetic waves, in: Proceedings of Eastern European EMF Meeting and Workshop “Measurements and Criteria for Standard Harmonization in the Field of EMF exposure” and WHO EMF Standards Harmonization Meeting, Varna, Bulgaria, Edited by M. Israel & M. Repacholi, p. 163-168.

8. Kouzmanova M, Hristova M., Vangelova K. (2003) Alterations in erythrocyte transmembrane anion transport of operators in radio and TV stations, Turkish J. Biochem. 28/3, 176 (abstract) – 13th BBB Days

9. Kouzmanova M., Hristova M., Vangelova (2004) Alterations of erythrocyte electrophoretic mobility of operators in communication stations, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 96/4, 215-219

10. Kouzmanova M., Hristova M. (2004) Effects of in vitro microwave exposure on electrophoretic mobility of human erythrocytes, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 96/4, 221-227

11. Kouzmanova M, Atanasova G., Atanasov N., Tasheva S. (2006) Alteration in hemolysis after in vitro exposure of human erythrocytes to GSM900 electromagnetic field, in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop “Biological effects of EMFs” , Crete, Greece, 16-20 Oct., pp 96-101