The UN International Model of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Office.
The UN International Model of the Diplomatic Academy (DAIMMUN) is a permanently developing International students’ role play and conference organization aimed at sustainable development. В рамках Модели участники The DAIMMUN members and the participants are mastering different methods and skills of negotiations, imitating real diplomatic duties thus demonstrating their knowledge of politics, economics and composing resolutions. "DAIMMUN" aim is to spread the UN ideas, to improve the young specialists’ knowledge about the UN activity and also to draw the young people attention to burning international problems. Annually DAIMMUN gathers more than 300 participants from all over the world.
The work of the UN Committees will be modeled in several foreign languages within the framework of "DAIMMUN-19" where every participant will represent the interests of the country on behalf of which he/she has to speak as determined by draw. There are vacancies in the following committees:
United Nations Human Rights Council (ENGLISH):
1. Promotion and protection of the right to privacy in the digital age, including the responsibility of business enterprises in this regard.
2. Freedom of religion or belief.
Comisi ó n Econ ó mica para Am é rica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (SPANISH):
1. Crecimiento econ ó mico e integraci ó n en Am é rica Latina y el Caribe.
2. Administraci ó n publica y planificaci ó n del desarrollo en la regi ó n.
The aim of the Committee is to adopt a resolution/statement on each agenda. More details are available on the following site: www.daimmun.com
We can offer grants that will cover air fares and accomodation to our partner universities in Germany, Spain and Bulgaria. The DAIMMUN will select candidates within its competitive admissions framework.