Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / За студентите - Актуално / Календар Бакалаври / For the students in the bachelor degree program Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications




For the students in the bachelor degree program Accounting, Finance and Digital Applications:


Optional courses:

  1. General German in Economics - Wednesday, 13p.m, room 303, ECTS - 2
  2. General French in Economics - Monday, 12p.m., room 317, ECTS- 2
  3. General English in Economics - Wednesday, 14p.m., roo, 212, ECTS -2


Faculty courses:

  1. Practical course in Bulgarian for foreigners - more information will be provided soon
  2. Other foreign language - Italian - Thursday, 13 p.m, room 212, ECTS- 4
  3. Other foreign language - Spanish ECTS - 4, 14 p.m. , room 128, ECTS- 4
  4. Other foreign language -Rusiian, Tuesday, 15p.m, room 212, ECTS -4