Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Катедри и Академичен състав / Катедри / Гост-професори на Стопанския факултет / Проф. д.ик.н. Георги Чобанов - гост-професор



1. Family name: Chobanov

2. First name: George

3. Date of birth: May 11, 1948

4. Nationality: Bulgarian



Научни рецензенти: Доц. Цветан Игнатов и Доц. Боряна Богданова



Научни рецензенти: Проф. Теодор Седларски и Доц. Боряна Богданова


Contact details:

Phone: +359 2 873 83 10 (office)

Fax: +359 2 873 99 41

E-mail: georgech@feb.uni-sofia.bg

Office Address: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, St. Kliment Ohridski University Bulgaria, 1113 Sofia, Tsarigradsko chausse blvd. 125, block 3

Postal address: 37, Peter Bogdan Str., 1505 Sofia / Bulgaria




Institution St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria


09.1967 – 06.1972


Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained


Master of Science in Statistics




Academy of Sciences in GDR, Berlin, 1981




09.1977 –06.1981


Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained


Ph.D. in Statistics




Higher Attestation Commission of Bulgaria






Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained


Doctor of Economic Sciences


Theses on Dynamics, Equilibrium and Stability in an Economic System




Higher Attestation Commission of Bulgaria






Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained


Professor in Economics


Theses script on: Methods for Empirical Analysis of Employment and Income Distribution



Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic).













































Membership of professional bodies:


European Economic Association

European Econometric Society

Higher Statistical Council of Bulgaria


Other skills:

  • Good analytical, communication, managerial and organizational skills;
  • Good computer literacy
  • Presentation skills
  • Project Management..

Present position:


Professor in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, St Kliment Ohridski University Sofia, Bulgaria



30.01.1991 – 14.10.2003 Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in the same University

14.10.2003 – 11.10.2007 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in the same University

1997- 2003 – Head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics

Since 2003 – Head of the Department Economics and Management of Branches

Since 11.10.2007 Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in the same University


Years with the Firm: 34


Key qualifications:


General professional experience

  • Experience in Managing a team composed of international and local specialists;
  • Experience in Supervising and co-ordinating of all technical and administrative aspects of a contract.


Specific professional experience

  • Experience in managing academic institution building projects.
  • Experience in coordination between state organizations, academic institutions and private companies.
  • Experience in management of EU research projects.


Lecturing Courses on:

Economic Statistics
Econometric Methods and Models
Open Economy Macroeconomic Models
Environmental Economics,
Economic Growth
Energy Balances and Forecasting

Economics of Waste

Institutional Economics

Economics of the Public Sector

Economics of Science

Agricultural Statistics

Principles of Economic Analysis


Research on the Area of:

Economic Analysis and Economic Policy

International macroeconomics

Currency boards, currency areas

Economic growth

Labor Markets, Income Distribution, Poverty, Social Policy,

Environnmental Studies, and Sustainable Development

Institutional Economics

Forecasting and Decision Analysis in Economics and Business.

Total quality management

Economic and Vocational Education


Health care economics and management

Services Science


Key certificates:

Certificate of Enterprise Valuation of the Agency of Privatisation, Bulgaria.


Specific experience in the region:









Evaluation of enterprises: Agency of privatization – 4


Other evaluations – 3


Business plans – More than 120







Development of Public Finance School at the Ministry of Finance in Bulgaria






Strengthening the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Welfare Maintenance and Social Activation Programs. Research Project with the Institution for International Cooperation SEOR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, period May 1998 – September 1999.








Restructuring of Economic Pedagogy at Bulgarian Universities. TEMPUS S_JEP-11309-96, period 1 September 1996 – 31 August 1998.


Bulgaria, UK, Greece, Check, Poland


Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply Response under Transition. PHARE ACE Research Project Nr. 96-6176R, period: 1.5.1997 – 30.4.1999.


Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia


Course Module on European Economic Statistics – CEES. PHARE Multi-Country Program in Distance Education, Contract No. EFT/97/VET/0068, period January 1998 – April 1999.


Bulgaria, UK


European Dimension of Institutional Quality Management. PHARE Multi-Country Program in Higher Education, period November 1999 – May 2000.


Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Estonia


The Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Implications of Currency Boards in Transition Economies. PHARE ACE Project P97-8218, period 28 May 1999 – 28 November 2000.


Bulgaria, Italy, France, Greece


European Specialization in Public Territorial Management. TEMPUS IB JEP- 14076-99(BG), period November 1999 – October 2001.


Bulgaria, Italy, Malta


Jean Monnet Project “SMEs and EU Enlargement”, Bulgaria, Italy and Malta, March-July 2004


Bulgaria, Turkey


LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECTVocational Education Project On Bank Credit System in European Union Countries And Using Credit in SMEs (Small and Medium Size Enterprises)” 2008-1-TR-LEO 02-00811


Bulgaria, Turkey


LEONARDO DA VINCI PROJECTVocational Education Project On Bank Credit System in European Union Countries And Using Credit in SMEs (Small and Medium Size Enterprises)” 2009 (Continuation)




Professional experience:



Date from – Date to














St. Kliment Ohridski University










Faculty of Economics and Business in the same University










Faculty of Economics and Business in the same University




1997- 2003




Dept Statistics Econometrics











Dept Economics and Management of Branches






Other relevant information (e.g. Publications)

More than 100 publications in Bulgaria, Germany, UK, etc.


Main publications:


Научни рецензенти: Доц. Цветан Игнатов и Доц. Боряна Богданова



Научни рецензенти: Проф. Теодор Седларски и Доц. Боряна Богданова



1. George S. Chobanov. Probability Theory. University Publishing House, Sofia, 1988, (in Bulgarian)

2. George S. Chobanov. Statistics. Alma Mater International Publishing House, Gabrovo, 1998 (in Bulgarian)


Research Papers:

1. Chobanov, George. The Process of Approaching Market Equilibrium. In: George Chobanov, Juergen Ploehn, Horst Schellhaas (eds.) Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe, volume 3, 2010, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main (in print).

2. Henrik Egbert, Maria Ivanova, Georgi Chobanov. New Data on the Bulgarian Transaction Sector: 1997 to 2006. In: George Chobanov, Juergen Ploehn, Horst Schellhaas (eds.) Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe, volume 2, 2009, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.

3. Chobanov, George. Walras Law and Flow of Funds Analysis in an Open Economic System. In: George Chobanov, Juergen Ploehn, Horst Schellhaas (eds.) Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe, volume 2, 2009, pp. 25-37, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.

4. George Chobanov. The Dynamic Interaction of Two Markets. In Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe, George Chobanov, Juergen Ploehn, Horst Schellhaass (eds.), volume 1 “Towards a Knowledge-Based Society in Europe”, 2009, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 171-186.

5. Georgi Chobanov, Henrik Egbert, Teodor Sedlarski Measuring the Transaction Sector, . Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Tome 7, 2008, pp. 265-277.

6. Georgi Chobanov. The Knowledge Based Economy, Nauka, vol. XVIII, Nr. 4, 2008, pp. 7-12. (in Bulgarian)

7. Georgi Chobanov. Higher Education and Business Colaboration. Nauka, vol. XVIII, Nr. 2, 2008, pp. 30-31. (in Bulgarian)

8. George Chobanov, Henrik Egbert. The Rise of the Transaction Sector in the Bulgarian Economy. Comparative Economic Studies, 2007, 49, pp. 683-698.

9. Georgi Chobanov, Henrik Egbert, Teodor Sedlarski. Methods for Data Collection on Transaction Tasks: A Micro-level Analysis. Statistika v. 1, 2007, pp. 3-18. (in Bulgarian)

10. George Chobanov. Rules of Society and Measurement of their Efficiency. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Tome 5, 2006, pp. 67-74.

11. Georgi Chobanov, Henrik Egbert, Albena Giuredzheklieva. Proposals for Measuring the Transaction Sector by the Official Statistics. Statistika v. 2, 2006, pp. 49-62. (in Bulgarian)

12. Georgi Chobanov. Die Relevanz von Vertrauensbeziehungen fuer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. In Sofioter Perspektiven auf Deutschland und Europa. Studien zu Wirtschaft, Politik, Geschichte, Medien und Kultur, Juergen Ploehn (Hrsg.), S. 167-190, Politikwissenschaft Bd. 133 VIT Verlag Berlin, 2006.

13. George Chobanov. Indicators of Sustainable Development – What to do in Bulgaria?. In: “Le developpent durable dans les economies en transition: restaurer les flux economiques”, Conference internationale, Sofia, 22-24 novembre 2002, Sofia, 2003, pp. 151-160.

14. George Chobanov, Luben Toshkov. The Problem of the general trend to income inequality in Bulgaria in the Period of 1990-2000. In: Social challenges of the transition economies. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Series, Paradigma Publishing House, 2002, pp.183-197. (in Bulgarian)

15. George Chobanov, Tsvetan Ignatov. Income inequality measures. In: Social challenges of the transition economies. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Series, Paradigma Publishing House, 2002, pp.165-182. (in Bulgarian)

16. G. Chobanov, A. Delakorda, P. Karadeloglou and P. Wdowinski. Exchange Rate, Prices and Supply Response under Transition. A Simulation Study. In: Christos Papazoglou and Eric Pentecost (Eds.) Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response. A Study of Transitional Economies. Palgrave, 2001, pp. 78-88.

17. George Chobanov, Eric Pentecost. Price and Output Dynamics under Currency Board. The Case of Bulgaria. In: Christos Papazoglou and Eric Pentecost (Eds.) Exchange Rate Policies, Prices and Supply-Side Response. A Study of Transitional Economies. Palgrave, 2001, pp. 91-103.

18. George Chobanov. Leading indicators of the Bulgarian currency crices after 1990. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Tome 1, 2001, pp. 249-262.

19. George Chobanov, Stoimen Lissev, Ljuben Toshkov. Poverty Lines. Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Tome 1, 2001, pp. 87-124.

20. George S. Chobanov. Econometric Principles of the Bulgarian Currency Board. In “Problems of Transition Economies” Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Series, Paradigma Publishing House, Sofia, 2000 p. 258-263 (in Bulgarian)

21. George S. Chobanov, Modeling of Financial Asset Returns by Shot Noise Processes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 29, 1999, p. 17-21.

22. George Chobanov. Geld und Waehrungspolitik in Transformationsland Bulgarien. In Bulgarien und Europa. Ein deutsch-bulgarischer Dialog. Newsletter der 2. Sommerakademie fuer Sozialwissenschaften in Bulgarien, Zlatni Pjasatzi, September 1997, EFV Edwin Fenger Verlag, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach, 1998, S. 89-101.

23. George S. Chobanov. The Responsibility of the Universities for the Reform in Bulgaria. Pladoyer for Clear Orienation of the Bulgarian Education in Economics and Business to the Standarts of the European Union. (Bulgarian), In Higher Education Forum (Ed. Josef Aff), p. 60-63, Alma Mater International Publishing House, Sofia, 1998.

24. George S. Chobanov, Plamen Mateev, Stefan Mittnik, Svetlozar Rachev, Modeling the Distribution of Highly Volatile Exchange-rate Time Series. “ in Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics vol. 115, Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series, Volume II: Time Series Analysis. In Memory of E.J. Hannan, P.M. Robinson, M. Rosenblatt (Editors), p. 130 - 144, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1996

25. George S. Chobanov, Calculation of Critical Values for Some Parameters of Reliability and Quality Control. Proceedings of the Summer School on Mathematical Applications in Engeneering and Business, Varna 95

26. George S. Chobanov, Prodan S. Chobanov. Algorithms for Investigation of Reliability of Materials by the Means of Percolation Theory. In: “Methods of Informatics for Quality Asurance”, pp.56-60, Sofia, 1987

27. George S. Chobanov, Prodan S. Chobanov, Methods of Statistical Physics for Ivestigation of Reliability of Materials In: “Methods of Probabilistic and Statistical Analysis for Investigation of Quality”, pp.111-116, Sofia,1986

28. George S. Chobanov, On an analog of the concentration function. Stability Problems For Stochastic Models. Proceedings of the Seminar. The Institute for System Studies, Moscow, USSR, 1984 (Also Journal of Soviet Mathematics, vol. 35, Nr 2, October 1986, pp 2443-2445)

29. Svetlozar T. Rachev, George S. Chobanov, On metrization of vague convergence. Serdica Bulgaricae mathematicae publicationes, vol. 12, 1986, p. 154-158 (in Russian).

30. George S. Chobanov, Uniform distribution properties of convolution powers of distribution laws with continuous mark space. Serdica Bulgaricae mathematicae publicationes, vol. 12, 1986, p. 205-208 (in German).

31. George S. Chobanov, Uniform distribution properties of random sums in dependance of a Markoff process. Serdica Bulgaricae mathematicae publicationes. Vol. 12, 1986, p. 127-133 (in German).

32. M. Barneva, G. Chobanov, P. Chobanov, Monte Carlo method for some percolation models. Compstat 84, Short Communications, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1984.

33. George S. Chobanov. Spatially homogeneous critical Bellmann-Harris processes. Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, vol.7., 1984, 18-33 (in German)

34. George S. Chobanov. Spatially homogeneous critical branching processes with arbitrary mark space. Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, vol. 7, 1984, 34-54 (in German)

35. Svetlozar Rachev, George Chobanov, Existence and uniqueness of limit Gibbs distributions. The Dobrushin-Sinai approach. Lectures on stochastic problems of modernphysics. Sofia, Publishing House of St. Kliment Ohridski University, 1983, pp. 42-60 (in Bulgarian)

36. George S. Chobanov, Spatially homogeneous critical branching processes with continuous time I. Serdica Bulgaricae mathematicae publicationes. vol. 6, 1980, 264-269 (in German)

37. Zvetan Ignatov, George Chobanov, Construction of negative binomial point process. Mathematics and Mathematical Education. Reports of the Ninth Spring Conference of UBM, Sofia, Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1980, pp. 138-141 (in Bulgarian)


Sofia, 28.02.2011