Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Научна дейност / Конференции, семинари и специализации / Стопанският факултет, София Тех Парк и Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (Германия) организират двудневен семинар по социално предприемачество и design thinking на 22 и 23 октомври 2018 г.





Стопанският факултет, София Тех Парк и Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (Германия) организират двудневен семинар по социално предприемачество и design thinking на 22 и 23 октомври 2018 г.


Гост-преподавателят в Стопанския факултет на СУ от Университета в Любек, проф. Кристиан Шайнер отправя покана към студентите от Стопанския факултет, които имат интерес, да се присъединят в зала 125 в Лабораторния комплекс на София Тех Парк.








9.00am Welcome & Warm-up
• Icebreaker & introductions (20min)
• Short presentation of the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie and the organizer (10min)
• Introduction to Design Thinking – “Whose life is it” (50min)
10.20am MODULE 1: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship I
• Comparison of different definitions
• Development of social entrepreneurship
11.00am Short Break (flexible)
11.10am MODULE 1: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship II
• Social entrepreneurship today: the ecosystem in Germany and Europe
• Examples of successful social entrepreneurs

1.00pm Lunch Break (flexible)

2.00pm MODULE 2: Methods & Instruments I (Business Modelling)
• 5 key questions to develop and implement my own social enterprise (45min)
• Presentation of a social entrepreneur (“Live Case”) of the region (60min)
• Introduction of Business Modell Canvas for Social Entrepreneurs (5 min)
• Exercise –Filling out the Business Model Canvas for “Live Case” (70min)

5.00pm End of Day 1 (incl. short wrap-up and outlook day 2)



09.00am Welcome and Warm-up
• Icebreaker (15min)
09.15am MODULE 3: Impact – how to communicate my impact?
• Introduction Impact Measurement
o General use of documenting impact
o Models to capture social impact
o The Social Reporting Standard (SRS)
10.00am MODULE 3: Scaling – how to maximize my impact?
• Typical Strategies for Scaling up (15 min)
• Team exercise with gallery walk (60min)
11.15am Short Break (flexible)
11.25am MODULE 4: Ideation – Development of an own social startup idea
• Short Introduction in Design Thinking and start of idea generation (10min)
• Development of own ideas based on certain topics provided beforehand (ca. 85min – flexible)


1.00pm Lunch Break (flexible)

2.00pm MODULE 4: Ideation – II
• Elaboration of business models based on given questions and the Business Model Canvas (ca. 105min, flexible)
• Prototyping – Preparation of the pitch (15min)
4.00pm MODULE 4: Team pitch
• Peer Learning Process
• Award for the best team
4.45pm Wrap-up, Feedback Round, Certificates
5.00pm End


Seminar Programme (pdf)