Ecolnn Danube
- Green Summer School (pdf)
The School comprehends one-week intensive training for early stage business idea in the green field with two main focus: entrepreneurship and eco-innovation. The format is thought to be very interactive, giving the chance to participants to apply what they learn immediately on their business idea by means of workshop and group work.
The participation is open to individual and teams. In order to participate they need to apply providing their profile and a short description of their business idea (if available).
The 1st Summer School will take place in Constance, Germany from the 11th to the 15th September 2015 in the premises of the Constance University of Applied Science. The application form is online at the following address: https://venture-dev.com/webform/TqogRx1xYP2uFney/
The application requires mainly demographic data on participants and a short description of their business idea. On this basis, the partner organizing the summer school will make a selection of the most suitable candidates. The application process has been introduced to generate commitment in the participants applying for the summer school and to ensure that all business ideas presented are really targeting the green field.
All partners are required to actively promote the summer school in their countries.
Three Green Summer School are foreseen in the application form:
a) One in Germany in 2017
b) One in Austria in 2018
c) One in Slovakia in 2018
The concept will be tested for the first time in Germany and will be then refined for the future edition of 2018. There are two main options for the format of the summer school that can be freely chosen by partner according to the target groups they specifically wish to reach in their country:
a) The first format is open for students and early stage teams with an interest in the green field who not necessarily already have a business idea in this field. The content of this art of summer school focuses mainly on the idea generation, on the customer development process and finally bring to the identification of a suitable business model. The teams participating have no previous experience in the entrepreneurship and business field and learn the basic during the school.
b) The second format of the Green Summer School is dedicated instead to individual and teams who already have a business idea in the green field and wish to understand better how to bring this idea to the market. The content in this case is more advance and skip the whole customer development process to focus instead on topics as business model innovation, marketing and sales, IPR and access to finance.
The Summer School is in English and it is open to the participation to all people coming from the Danube regions. On the last day, participants will pitch their idea in front of a small jury and in the case of the Green Summer School in Germany, the best teams selected will be invited to participate to the Green Innovation Forum in Stuttgart in 2018.