Ausschreibung! (01-15.02.2013) (pdf)
Programm (pdf)
ERASMUS Intensive Program: National Institutions – International Consequences (NIIC)
Although many institutions are regional or national by character, the reactions they trigger have international effects. The latter are often problematic. Laws, markets or organizations are cases in point for this. A profound understanding and analytical competence for complex interdependent and international correlations of effects are central for both students and instructors. Bachelor study programs rarely focus on such competences. The IP NIIC closes this gap by offering a Summer School in which interdisciplinary and international student-teacher teams work on theoretically based case studies on national institutions with international effects.
Target groups: Students of bachelor's degree programs, lecturers in social sciences and cultural studies and European universities.
Partners: Five universities contribute actively to the first Summer School in 2013: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, University Luis Lumière Lyon 2, Zeppelin University, and Cracow University of Economics.
Objectives: The aims of the IP NIIC are to promote the interdisciplinary and international discourse on the impact of national institutions on individual decisions and hence the international consequences resulting from them. The Summer Schools will add to the programs and courses on offer at all partner universities. Students and lecturers will be made more sensitive to this subject matter in an international framework, European mutual understanding will improve through collaborative learning and teaching and it will create a lasting impetus for the European cooperation, the international orientation and networking of universities.
Expected outcomes: All participating students will be able to discuss national institutional contexts with regard to international consequences and to autonomously develop and present solutions. Students will be aware of the advantages of multinational and multidisciplinary teams when analyzing institutional interrelations and finding solutions of international problems. Lecturers will gain experience in teaching in an international environment and in active cooperation between universities. The participation in a compact intensive IP motivates students and lecturers to engage in longer stays abroad in the future. A personal and institutional network will come into existence. The participating universities will obtain a feedback on the structure of internationally oriented study programs.
More information:
Assoc. Prof. Teodor Sedlarski (sedlarski@feb.uni-sofia.bg)
DAAD - ERASMUS Intensivprogramm
„Nationale Institutionen – Internationale Konsequenzen“
Das Ziel des Intensivprogramms „Nationale Institutionen – Internationale Konsequenzen“ ist die Förderung des interdisziplinären und internationalen Diskurses über die Wirkung von nationalen Institutionen auf individuelle Entscheidungen und die daraus entstehenden internationale Konsequenzen.
Hintergrund für diese Thematik ist der an Komplexität stetig zunehmende institutionelle Kontext, in dem Entscheidungen getroffen werden und in dem wiederum diese Entscheidungen wirken. Ein Verständnis für dynamische institutionelle Kontexte ist für Studierende zentral, um erstens Entscheidungen zu verstehen, zweitens die Konsequenzen von Handlungen abzuschätzen und drittens Institutionen so zu gestalten, dass spezifische Entscheidungen herbeigeführt werden.
Das Intensivprogramm soll Studierende und Lehrende für diese Thematik in einem europäischen internationalen Kontext sensibilisieren, das europäische Verständnis durch kooperatives Lernen und Lehren verbessern und einen nachhaltigen Impuls für die europäische Kooperation und die internationale Orientierung von Hochschulen geben.
Weitere Information:
Assoc. Prof. Teodor Sedlarski (sedlarski@feb.uni-sofia.bg)