d e n k s t a t t Bulgaria, the leading sustainability consultant in Bulgaria, an associated partner of the Careers in Sustainability Excellence (CASTLE) consortium, would like to announce the availability of 14 full-time research vacancies for early stage researchers (ESRs) in Austria, Finland, France, Germany and Sweden.
The CASTLE training network combines scientific, innovative, problem-oriented research and practical training of young academics on methods used for sustainability impact assessments in the bio-energy and forest-based sector in Europe. CASTLE educates sustainability experts for the broader bio-based economy.
Researchers are expected to undertake transnational mobility in order to implement an Individual Research Project (IRP) at one of the consortium partner institutions, as well as to participate in a joint network training programme. The early stage researchers will be hired at the partner institutions under employment contracts with duration of 30 to 36 months, starting from April 1st 2013. Each early stage researcher position includes a planned PhD affiliation with a university.
Detailed information (pdf)