Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Геолого-географски факултет / Новини / Открита лекция на д-р Валентино Мегале - 15 октомври 2024


На 15.10.2024г. (вторник) от 18,30 часа в аудитория 65 ще се състои открита лекция на д-р Валентино Мегале.

Д-р Валентино Мегале е един от най-интересните, успешни и талантливи млади предприемачи и разполага с огромен и нетрадиционен опит. Работи в проекти в сферата на сигурността, преподавател е в Rome Business School и е един от хората, които имат умения при разработката на продукт и/или услуга за дийп тек пазара.

Това събитие е за всеки, който се интересува от предприемачество, киберсигурност, виртуална реалност, медицина и други. Освен него, ще има и други интересни презентации. Очакват се около 120 външни гости. Събитието ще продължи около 3 часа.

Инициатор на събитието е и възпитаникът на ГГФ д-р Моника Манолова

Допълнителна информация:

After the incredibly successful #UN Summit of the Future at #UNGA which served as the perfect platform for the presentation of GADES(Global Alliance for Digital Education and Sustainability) further event is coming #CyberMonth with a special lecture from another impressive guest.

After the success of the 1st edition of XR talks, where we were joined by Prof. Andes Leon-Geyer from After the success of the 1st edition of XR talks, where Prof. Andes Leon-Geyer from Lima, Peru , was among the guests, the 2nd edition of XR Talks will be hosted by Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ on 15th October.

On the 2nd edition of the XR talks guest will be one of the leaders of the European XR and deep tech ecosystem Valentino Megale, PhD who will be coming to from Rome, Italy.

Valentino is the president of XRSI Europe the European branch of the world-leading standardization organization XRSI A successful tech entrepreneur focused on digital health and mental well-being, a TEDx speaker, and a writer. Biologist, Ph.D. in Neuropharmacology, CEO and co-founder of Softcare Studios, a digital health startup specializing in developing virtual reality solutions for stress management and therapy education in patients undergoing medical treatments.

As October is hashtag#CyberMonth for its 2nd edition ofhashtag#XRTalks XRS.bg – Bulgarian XR Society will partner up with КиберКЛУБ // CyberCLUB Cyber Security Talks Bulgaria, VR Lab BG, VR Store Ltd., Devin JSC, divna.Tech

Some of the topics that will be covered during the evening include:

  • Successes and pitfalls in the ethical design of products in a competitive digital marketplace – focus on XR and AI
  • Improving safety in an ever-evolving emerging marketplace
  • Deep tech convergence

Access is free but the places may be limited, so please, reserve your spot here.

Materials will be provided after the event only upon prior registration.

We are making some incredible progress on the road to Metaverse Safety Week and there are several forthcoming incredible announcements, which I will make by the end of the year – including initiatives and projects placing our country (Bulgaria) on the global digital leaders stage.

#AMAZING updates from #UNGA and The Summit of the Future to Follow.